Welcome to Southwick Community Primary School

I am delighted and proud to be Head Teacher at such a fantastic and vibrant school where pupils, staff, governors, parents and the school community work extremely hard and have high expectations of one another. We are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning – achieved through a combination of challenge, support, encouragement and praise – to ensure that all children fulfil their potential.

New Beginnings Nursery

New Beginnings Nursery

The ethos of our setting is the set of beliefs, morals and ideas fundamental to everything that happens within that setting.

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Latest News

Year 2 Circuit Training

We had a brilliant session in the hall on Tuesday afternoon where Mrs Hughes had set up 10 different stations with different exercises for us to complete. There were box jumps, cycling, skipping, hand weights and many more. We had a great time!

Outdoor Learning

The KS1 yard has got a new role play area this week! The children have been playing ‘schools’ and have been practicing their reading, writing and maths. Bella said “I love this set up!”

Pyjamarama Day

Year 1, 2 and 6 spent some time sharing their stories in their pyjamas to support Pyjamarama Day on Monday. We use lots of different areas to share stories and the reading was fantastic!