School Coronavirus Update

Dear Parents/carers,

Thank you so much for your amazing support and understanding during this incredibly difficult time. We are closing from today and all communication will be from our app and our website.

Homework tasks will be updated on the website for your child’s year group and any developments will be communicate do you using the same method.

We will have limited access to phone calls and any concerns or queries should be directed to

Any supermarket vouchers for free school meal children (qualifying parents, not universal free school meals) will be issued as soon as we receive them- hopefully Monday. Please don’t ring to check-we will let you know via the app and website about collection times.

Anyone who is self- isolating and cannot collect vouchers for themselves may allocate someone to collect the vouchers for them. If you cannot collect, you must let school know who will be collecting your vouchers. This person MUST be an adult and have ID when collecting.

Please take care and look after each other.

Best wishes,

Southwick School Staff


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