Home Learning Tasks and Activities Arrangements

Hi Everyone,

We hope that you are all safe and well.

Even though we are in very worrying times, we know how important it is to keep our children learning.

Every Monday, starting on Monday 30th March, each year group will have new tasks and activities put on the website- there will even be video messages from teachers.

These will be on the school website by 10am.

  • There is a year group email address to send work in to by a Friday at 12pm- teachers will let you know the email address.
  • Work will be marked and emailed back.
  • All tasks will be to support learning.
  • Brilliant work will be displayed on the website for all to see.
  • Any children who need exercise books to write in or a pencil to write with can collect one from the school reception from Monday morning (please keep to social distancing rules).
  • Any questions or queries please contact school by phone or on concerns@southwickprimary.co.uk 

Stay safe,

From all of the staff at Southwick Primary School


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