Update: Government Guidance Covid-19 School and New Beginnings Opening

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Following Government guidance to reopen on June 1st for nursery, reception year 1 and year 6 we have decided that it too soon and there is not enough information on transmission rates or enough scientific evidence to ensure our children are safe to return on this date. 

We will not risk anyone’s safety in our community so school and New Beginnings will remain shut from June 1st other than for key worker children and children deemed as vulnerable.

We are looking at reopening on June 8th for-

  • Key worker children
  • Those children who are deemed ‘vulnerable’.
  • Year 6 children.

New Beginnings will also be back open on June 8th only for Key worker and vulnerable children initially (please contact Helen to check if you are eligible for a place on concerns@southwickprimary.co.uk or phone 0191 5009554 on Friday)

Monday 8th June is a provisional date and may change.

Please complete the online questionnaire if your child is in year 6 children, you are a key worker and you need to access school or you are classed as ‘vulnerable’. Please complete this as quickly as possible.

I want to repeat and reassure you that we’re not going to be pressuring anyone to send their children to school and no low attendance action will be taken against any families.

We are desperate to have all of our children back in school but only when it is safe to do so.

If you have any queries about any part of this letter please contact school on 0191 5009554 or email concerns@southwickprimary.co.uk

Thank you all again for your support.

Please stay safe and take care.

Mr Robson


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