Rewards 27th November 2020

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 2: Kalvin Dorothy-you have impressed Miss Turner this week as you can identify a problem and you know how to make it right too! Jesse Brettwood-you have impressed Miss Brook as you are beginning to identify ways to solve a problem-well done boys and keep it up year 2!

Year 3: Faith Davies has impressed Mrs Stephenson this week as she solves problems by always making sure her friends are happy-well done Faith! Lacey Clark has impressed Mrs Foxton and Mrs Mahone this week as she always supports her friends if they have a problem both in and out of the classroom-well done you two!

Brendan Dorothy has knocked Mrs Smith’s socks off as he knows how to solve problems and won’t give up until he has! Evie Harrison has impressed Mrs Waddell and Mrs Seaman this week with her sheer determination and resilience-well done Evie! Jasmine Doughty has impressed Mrs Moran this week with her ability to not only solve problems but show others how to too! Well done year 4!

Year 5: Sophia Robinson has impressed Miss Slater this week as she is always such a kind and caring friend and will solve anyone’s problems! Delaney Templeton has also put an even bigger smile on Miss Slater’s face as he helped a friend solve a problem this week by giving very good advice-well done Delaney! Lacey McCully has impressed Miss Forster this week as she always helps others solve problems and is such a kind and caring friend! Well done year 5!

Year 6: Miss Hetherington’s Maths Set have impressed her this week as you can all solve problems in a group, with a partner and independently-you impress her daily! Mrs Watson’s Maths Set have impressed her this week as you all worked well with your partners on your fraction challenge-no one gave up and you all offered suggestions! Maisy McConville has impressed Mrs Barker this week as you thought really hard about and how to answer questions well-well done year 6, keep it up!

This week’s Merit Certificate Winners Are…

Reception: Benjamin Knowlson is Lion Group’s star for trying hard in all of his lessons this week-well done, Benjamin! Dante McHenry is Giraffe Group’s star as he has been using his Zones of Regulation toolbox this week-keep it up Dante! Kye Barker Robins is Zebra Group’s star for trying really hard with his reading this week-well done Kye! An excellent week Reception, well done!

Year 2: Sonny Robins has impressed Miss Brook with his fabulous effort in RWI this week. You have worked so hard to include all of the success criteria-well done, Sonny! Olivia Humphries has impressed Miss Turner this week for being an all round superstar! You have impressed your grownups with your positive work attitude-great stuff Olivia!

Year 3: Carter Mason has impressed Mrs Stephenson this week for showing great enthusiasm towards your Titanic topic-you were an amazing judge this week when you put the suspects on trial-well done Carter! Katie Roberts has impressed Mrs Mahone and Mrs Foxton this week with your fabulous painting of the Titanic in the style of Monet-you tried really hard to replicate the technique-well done Katie!

Year 4: Brendan Dorothy has got his second certificate this week (amazing stuff) for his excellent geography, art and drumming skills during the year 4 Kenya Day-keep it up Brendan! Lily Brewis has received her certificate from Mrs Seaman and Mrs Waddell for fantastic answers in literacy. You are great at inferring information from the text-well done Lily! Logan Percy has impressed Mrs Moran this week with his improved fluency and expression when reading! Well done all of you!

Year 5: Lily McCririe has impressed Mrs Beresford and Miss Forster this week with your wonderful letter writing in literacy-you have made them so proud, Lily! Ella Brierly, you have also impressed them with your AMAZING effort in literacy this week too-keep it up Ella! Oliver Dennis has impressed Miss Slater this week for trying so hard in guided reading sessions-keep it up Oliver! Well done all of you!

Year 6: Amber Otty has impressed Mrs Watson this week with her brilliant resilience in maths-she is delighted with your work on fractions Amber! Jamie Gardiner is Miss Hetherington’s star this week for having some amazing explanations and ideas in your microorganism lesson-you really impressed her, Jamie-well done! Miss Barker’s star this week is Lilly Carr-everyone is so proud of your improved attendance-well done and keep it up Lilly! Well done all of you!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Masie-Jo Reaper and Jaidan Lumsdon have impressed Mr Robson this week with their handwriting and presentation and have been awarded their pen license! They were both thrilled to receive their pens and certificates this week and their books look even more amazing-well done to you both-we are very proud of you!

Year 4 presentation and handwriting stars!

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