Rewards 9th January 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Key Stage 1: Lucas Lawson Sykes, you have impressed all of the key stage 1 staff this week with your fabulous reasoning in maths this week! You are a mathematical superstar, keep it up!

Year 3: Ellie Taylor, you have impressed all of the adults in year 3 this week for your fantastic ideas during your inference activities when discussing the wicked witch-well done Ellie!

Year 4: Isla Latimer, you have impressed this week with your super concentration and hard work in maths all week-well done Isla! Jasie-Leigh Roberts, your imaginative sentences using fronted adverbials were amazing this week-keep being the star you are! Frazer Brown, you have impressed everyone with your great perseverance in maths this week-well done Frazer! Logan Storey, your hard work and give it a go attitude in literacy this week has impressed all of the year 4 staff-well done Logan and well done year 4!

Year 5: Tiffany Luckham, you have earned your certificate this week for always contributing to class discussions and sharing your wonderful ideas-well done Tiffany!

Year 6: Mia Dunn, your amazing division work in maths this week has made everyone so very proud-well done, Mia!

We have also been looking at the home learning everyone at home has been completing. Well done to all of the children for their amazing work but also a huge thank you to all of our adults who have helped their children this week-we all do really appreciate your efforts!

This week’s home learning certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Nylah Foot, you have impressed all of your grown ups this week with all of your home learning-keep it up you absolute super star!

Reception: Harrison Wood, you have impressed everyone in school this week as you have completed all of your home learning-well done and keep it up!

Year 1: Evah Dixon, you have made such an excellent effort with your home learning this week-what a superstar!

Year 2: Aj Harrison, you have made an outstanding effort to do your learning at home this week-everyone is so very proud of you!

Year 3: Henry Gowland, Ben Nicholson and Amelia Longstaff, you have all massively impressed this week with the completion of your home learning this week-well done all of you!

Year 4: Mia Jarvis and Amy Flood, you have both been super stars this week because of your fantastic effort with your home learning-keep it up you amazing people!

Year 5: Billy Robins, you have impressed your teachers with your home learning this week-they say you are brilliant-well done Billy and keep it up!

Year 6: Emily Lamb, you have been amazing this week and you have completed your home learning to a very high standard-keep it up you absolute superstar!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has been so impressed with everyone in school this week, you have all been amazing and it has been lovely to spend time in school with you all this week!

Mr Robson is also very very impressed with the home learning you have all been doing and sending in this week-your work puts a huge smile on everyone’s faces and we love seeing the commitment you show at home-well done to all of the adults at home too-you are all amazing-thank you!!


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