Look at our TALENTED Storytellers…

I received lots of work for National Storytelling Week and I was so proud of it all. We had children in Reception making porridge for Goldilocks, we had children in Year 3 making traditional tale puppets, we had Year 4 children making ‘poison’ apples and we even had Year 5 children designing front covers for their very own books.

We really do have some talented storytellers and some talented story makers. Year 6 all had the opportunity to write their own Twisted Tale, write their own versions of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and even read them out to their classmates both in school and online. Vincent Gowland (from Year 5) created a wonderful story called ‘The Three Little Wolves’, it really is great and I can’t wait for him to come back to school to tell me all about it.

We then had some AMAZING work completed at home too, thank you very much everyone and I can’t wait to see what you all do on World Book Day.

Miss Hetherington

Daisy Towle colouring in a picture of Goldilocks – well done Daisy!
Emily Rain from Year 6 writing her own story – it is wonderful!
One of our Year 5 children creating their own front cover for Snow White.
Our talented Year 5 children creating their own stories and front covers – amazing work Year 5!
Krystal Towle from Year 5 making Hansel and Gretel’s House – looks yummy!
A close up of the YUMMY house – I wonder if the witch is still inside?
A trio of Luckham’s writing some WONDERFUL stories – I can’t wait for them to read them to me!
Lilly Rain from Year 4 showing us how amazing she is at writing stories – well done Lilly!

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