Rewards 12th March 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: April Williams, you have received your certificate for a fantastic first week back at school-we are all so very proud! Well done, April! Joe Armstrong, you have received your certificate for coming back to school this week and trying so hard in all of your lessons-well done, Joe!

Year 2: Jesse Bretwood-you are a certificate winner this week for your amazing attitude since returning to school. You have amazed us all with your effort and hard work in all lessons! Dahla Appleby, you have received your certificate this week for your wonderful attitude since returning to school. We are all so happy to have your beautiful smile back in school each day! Well done year 2!

Year 3: Leah Reynolds, congratulations for your fabulous efforts with your home reading and for being voted in as the year 3 Reading Ambassador-keep it up! Jack Patterson, you have had a fantastic first week back and you are a wonderful new addition to our school! Keep it up Jack!

Year 4: Grace Wallace, you have settled back in so quickly and with a huge and beautiful smile on your face-well done, Grace! Frazer Brown, you have also had an amazing week and you have been so kind and supportive to everyone who has returned this week-well done, Frazer! All of class 9 have impressed too this week after a fantastic week at school. You have all worked incredibly hard-well done all of you!

Year 5: Archie McKenzie, your certificate is for putting 100% into everything you do. You are such a kind and caring friend and we are so pleased to have you back at school! Krystal Towle, this is for your fantastic positive attitude-you always give 100% and you’re an absolute star! Jamie Sanderson, this certificate is for working so well in literacy this week. You wrote some excellent similes and you shone as bright as a star! The whole of year 5 have massively impressed too this week. You have all returned with such positive attitudes and we are all so proud of you. Well done year 5!

Year 6: Adam Plimmer, your fantastic character and setting descriptions in literacy have earned you this certificate. They were amazing and we are so proud! Aaron Williams, this certificate is for having a fantastic first week back and showing everyone just what a fantastic year 6 member you are! Conrad Clark, your fantastic reasoning in maths and the fact you love a challenge have earned you this certificate-well done, Conrad!

Well done to all of our children in school this week-it has been an absolute pleasure to be part of our school community!

Our Jigsaw this week has been a focus on the Zones of Regulation and a recap on all of the important previously learned skills such as making everybody feel welcome and respecting everyone’s right to learn. Everyone in school has been brilliant and you have all remembered so much too!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ruby Jurdison, you have your certificate this week for helping the new people year 1 to feel comfortable and happy-this is an amazing and lovely thing to do-well done, Ruby! Lily Shakesby, you have your certificate this week for always caring about other people and being kind to everyone in school-well done, Lily!

Year 2: Elzbieta Nayir, you have earned your certificate this week for making sure everyone in year 2 feels welcome. You always use kind words to make us all smile-well done Elzbieta! James Short, you have your certificate for always being a caring young man. You always think about everyone’s feelings and their right to learn too-well done James!

Year 3: Lucas Dawson, your fantastic knowledge of the Zones of Regulation has earned you your certificate this week. You always have excellent ideas for your toolkit too-well done, Lucas! Alfie Duke, you have shown a good understanding of the zones too and you were able to discuss emotions we will feel in each zone-well done, Alfie!

Year 4: Eleanor Jackson, you have settled back into school well and have shown a great understanding of the Zones of Regulation-well done, Eleanor! Kasey Ann Swalwell, you have had an amazing week and have settled back into school really well. Your knowledge of the zones has knocked our socks off-well done Kasey Ann! Clayton Sewell, an amazing week has been had by you and you have given 100% in every lesson-we couldn’t ask for any more you absolute star! Well done year 4!

Year 5: Mercedes James, you always follow our learning charter and are always kind to all in school too-well done! Jamie Sanderson (certificate number 2 today!) You always follow the learning charter and are such a kind and caring member of our school-keep it up! Abigail Luckham, you are an amazing role model in school and you follow the learning charter brilliantly-you are amazing-well done, Abigail!

Year 6: India Beattie, this certificate is for being an all round amazing year 6 pupil and treating everyone and everything with respect-well done! Olivia Duke, you are also an amazing year 6 pupil and you are kind and respectful at all times! Well done, Olivia! Jay Corbett, you have been awarded this certificate for being a fantastic member of year 6, you are always respectful and kind and a credit to our school-well done!

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Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mrs Smith’s Literacy group-you have all received your pen licence this week for your excellently formed letters and presentation when writing-well done!

Corey Clark-you wowed Mr Robson this week with your incredible reading VIPER skills. The level of detail in your answers is fantastic! Keep it up!!

Jasie-Lee Roberts, your excellent maths work with column addition this week has massively impressed. You were only given the answers and had to think of the questions (with exchanging!) you are an amazing mathematician-keep it up!

Many of you are taking certificates home this week for your amazing efforts in our Science Week in school-you have all wowed us and have competed investigations like real scientists-we are so very proud of all of you! Well done!

A huge thank you to everyone in our school community this week. All staff have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with your amazing children. They are an absolute pleasure to be around-well done everyone!


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