Rewards 23rd April 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Jade and Mia Pearson, what a fantastic first week at Southwick primary! We are all so pleased you are here, you are wonderful additions to our school! Well done girls! Paris Wiseman, you have used the practical resources in the class very sensibly this week to help you understand numbers to 100! You are a star! Well done year 1!

Year 2: James Short, your amazing attitude and effort in your topic work this week has earned you this certificate. You have included lots of habitat facts and we are all so proud of you! Well done! Michael Graham, your attitude in literacy has been outstanding this week-you have amazed us all with your wonderful vocabulary-well done, Michael! Jason Pearson, you have been an absolute star in your first week-we are so very lucky to have you-you are amazing!

Year 3: Zachary Clark, you have shown determination and perseverance during tricky problem solving in maths this week-you have been wonderful! Riley Foot, you have blown us all away this week with everything you have done-you have made us so proud-you star! Well done boys and well done year 3!

Year 4: Grace Wallace, your amazing effort in literacy and maths this week has earned you this certificate-you have certainly given 100% and we are very proud! Stephen Carter, your effort in our Egyptian art lesson was fantastic- your headdress was amazing! Well done, Stephen! Sofia Brown, this certificate is for trying so hard in everything you do! You have tried so hard with your spellings this week and it has made us all beam with pride-keep it up you star!

Year 5: Marcus Anderson and Bailey Hall, this is for your superb camera skills when photographing flowering plants, you were both amazing! Well done boys! Kadie Wilson, your fantastic athletic skills in PE were amazing and your sprinting and bounding skills were fabulous! Well done, Kadie! Year 5 Young Leaders, your mature attitude and determination to learn knocked the socks off all of the staff from Biddick! Well done all of you!

Year 6: Emily Lamb, this certificate is for working really hard in literacy this week-we are all very impressed, keep it up Emily! Jay Corbett, you have had an amazing week in numeracy-you are a truly wonderful member of year 6-you are amazing! Ruby Beattie, we are all so very proud of how well you have challenged yourself in maths this week-your hard working attitude is amazing! Well done, Ruby and well done year 6!


This week, our Jigsaw focus is ‘how to solve friendship problems’. Even though we are fantastically friendly in Southwick Primary we know that sometimes people may fall out. Luckily, we all know how to sort any problems that arise. It has been another week where everyone in school was worthy of a certificate and adults had such a hard choice as you are all amazing!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Frankie Mason, you try to solve friendship problems when they occur and you are always kind and helpful towards your friends-well done, Frankie! Fraser McLaughlin, you have regulated your emotions beautifully and help your friends to do the same so any issues can be sorted quickly-this is a great skill Fraser, well done!

Year 2: Jay Jay, you are alway’s mature and stand up for what is right-this is an amazing trait and we are so proud! Jesse Brettwood, you always tell the truth in difficult situations which allows any issues to be cleared up quickly-well done Jesse!

Year 3: Bryony Anderson, you are so mature and know to seek help from an adult if a situation is harder to resolve-a great skill Bryony, well done! Lacey Clark, you always stick by and include your friends no matter what others say and think-this makes us so proud Lacey, well done!

Year 4: Leah Nicholson, you are able to solve any issues and you prevent them by including everyone at all times-well done, Leah! Alora Wilson, you are really kind and you always look after everyone-you are a caring and considerate member of our school-well done Alora! Jayden Wheatley, you are a great friend to have and you always include others in everything you do to ensure any issues are minimal-you are amazing, Jayden!

Year 5: Ahmed Alderi, only this week did you show your worth as a friend when you helped solve a problem in your group-well done, Ahmed and thank you! Sophia Robinson, you are always such a kind and helpful friend to others and you know exactly what to say and do if any problems arise-well done, Sophia!

Year 6: Kaila Clark, you read situations brilliantly and actually prevent problems from occurring-you make us very proud-well done, Kaila! Kai Ball, you are not only a wonderful friend but a wonderful member of our school-you try your very best to make sure problems are minimal-well done Kai!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

What a busy week Mr Robson has had-he has seen some amazing work and we have certainly kept him on his toes! Year 4 impressed this week with their work on Ancient Egypt. Corey Clark, Brendan Dorothy and Jayden Wheatley’s art when designing their own head dress based on those worn by the pharaohs of the time blew him away! As did their explanations of the meaning of the different head dresses-he certainly learned a lot this week! Well done boys!

Amy Flood‘s 3 page long instructions on the mummification process were so detailed, the Pharaohs themselves would have learned something! Mr Robson was blown away by her knowledge and understanding of the process, as well as her literacy skills included in the piece. AND her recreation of a sarcophagus to take a mummy to the afterlife was wonderful too-is there anything this girl can’t do? Well done Amy!

Well done to our certificate winners this week and well done to everyone in school-you are all amazing and we are so proud of each and every one of you!


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