Rewards 21st May 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Louie Clark, Millie Glover, Lincoln Bell and Connor Smith-you have absolutely knocked our socks off this week with your attitude and effort in everything-well done!

Year 1: Alesky Staniszewski, you always produce excellent work in every lesson-we are so proud-keep it up! Natalia Dinsdale, this certificate is for trying your best in absolutely everything you do-well done, Natalia!

Year 2: Harry Brown, this is for your wonderful writing in RWI-you worked hard to include all of the success criteria-well done, Harry! Olivia Humphries, we are so sad you are leaving us! You have been a fabulous member of our school and have filled our hearts with joy every day-your new school are so lucky to have you! We will miss you!

Year 3: Aamari Armstrong, this is for fantastic effort and attitude when writing a narrative this week. You really tried your base and we are so proud! Luke Stothard, this is for fantastic effort with your reading this week-you are amazing!

Year 4: Logan Percy, this is for excellent effort in literacy and helping your friends when they found it challenging too-well done, Logan! Jae Gladstone, this is for trying so hard in maths and literacy this week-you are a star! Leah Nicholson, your effort when writing your non-chronological report in literacy was excellent this week-we are all proud!

Year 5: Max Dombrowski, this is for your super literacy work this week-you try so hard to use exciting vocabulary to improve your work! Well done! Mr King’s class, this is for showing how kind, thoughful and welcoming you are-Miss Forster has had a fantastic week with you and we are all so proud! Lily McCririe, this is for making some excellent choices this week and showing what an amazing role model you can be-well done, Lily! Jamie Sanderson, this is for your super history and science work-you answered so many questions and have remembered so much-well done, Jamie! Chanelle Hall, this certificate is for your amazing writing this week when writing a narrative. Your writing just flows beautifully-well done, Chanelle! Jaycie-Leigh Conlon, your determination and enthusiasm in every single maths lesson has earned you your certificate this week-you are a star! Esme Dodds, this is for overcoming your fears and showing great resilience when swimming-we are so very proud of you-well done, Esme!

Year 6: Lewis Bestford, you have earned your certificate for your hard work and efforts with both your literacy and art this week-you produced some amazing work-well done! Evan O’Donnell, this certificate is for your amazing work in maths this week. Your mental calculations and explanations were wonderful and you make us so proud! Well done, Evan! Milly-May Bell, this is for being a numeracy super star this week (and since September!) You are amazing! Jay Corbett, you blew Miss Bennit’s socks off with your amazing maths work this week-well done Jay, you are a star!


This week, our Jigsaw focus has been about respect. Respect to all adults and to each other. We are so respectful and it has been so hard to choose our certificate winners again this week!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Joe Armstrong, you always show respect to everyone in school and are such a kind and respectful friend, well done Joe! Nour Sharaf, you always show respect at all times and you have a lovely relationship with everyone in class because of this-well done!

Year 2: Jason Pearson, you are a star in school and always use your manners and compliment your friends and adults-well done, Jason! Isaac Brown, you use please and thank you at all times and you make everyone smile with your manners-well done, Isaac!

Year 3: Lola Richardson, you always have impeccable manners and a kind word for everyone you meet-well done, Lola! Alisha Drinkald, you have beautiful manners and are respectful 100% of the time-well done!

Year 4: Cleron Rankin, you are always respectful to everyone, you are a star! Sofia Brown, you always show good manners and are respectful to everyone, thank you and well done! Kenzie Phillips, you are an absolute star to everyone in school-your levels of respect are amazing and you make us so proud!

Year 5: Delaney Templeton, you are really respectful and this week especially you have shown what a lovely and polite boy you are-well done, Delaney! Samanta Borsut, you are ALWAYS such a kind and well-mannered member of our school community, well done, Samanta! Connie Murphy, you are such a polite, caring and friendly member of our school-we are very lucky to have you! Well done!

Year 6: Lucy Butler you are always so kind, respectful and well-mannered at all times, you are a star! Jay Corbett, you are always kind and respectful towards everyone in school, you are a fantastic member of year 6! Maisie Proctor, you are always kind and respectful to everyone in school-you are a star!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Well Mr Robson has had another busy week-he will be reordering his stickers after the amount he has given out too! He has walked around school again this week with a huge smile on his face and bursting with pride at all of our children!

Year 4 wrote non-chronological reports about life in Ancient Egypt and Mr Robson was amazed by the quality and quantity of their work-well done everyone!

He has also been busy watching our amazing manners in the dinner hall and has had his socks blown off by Ahmed Aldiri, Lola Richardson, Sienna Allan, Harry Ewart, Georgie Hylton and Evah Dixon! All of you made Mr Bradwell’s day with the manners you all showed when getting served-keep it up you absolute stars!

A huge thank you to everyone involved in our school-we have had another amazing week with amazing children and staff!


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