Rewards 28th May 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Dennijoe Rochester, for coming into school every morning with a big smile on your face-you make us smile too! Charlie Edmonds, for remembering your shapes we have been learning in number group this week-well done, Charlie! Leo Ford, for settling in well on your first week at Southwick nursery-we are so very pleased to have you!

Reception: Benjamin Knowlson, this is for your wonderful questions and inquisitive mind-well done, Benjamin! Harrison Wood, this is for your amazing number work this week-you are a star! Joe Scott, this is for being your usual fantastic self again this week-well done, Joe! Maddox Ellison, your certificate is for making the right choices all week-well done!

Year 1: Ivan Glover, this certificate is for following instructions really carefully and for always trying your best-especially in maths! Well done, Ivan! Sarah Turnbull, this is for fantastic work in maths-keep it up you star! Well done, Sarah!

Year 2: Layad Mangure, you always put 100% effort into everything you do and impress us daily with your positive attitude! Well done, Layad! Frankie Rowe, your outstanding reading in RWI this week and your fabulous additions within 100-keep it up!

Year 3: Frankie Strong, this is for being an absolute superstar! There are so many fantastic things you have done recently including your effort in literacy, fabulous fieldwork and great teamwork-well done Frankie you absolute star! Lucas Dawson, this is for just being you! You have an amazing attitude towards everything you do in school-well done, Lucas!

Year 4: Macie Crinson, this is for simply being you! You are a hard working, amazing young lady and we are so very proud-well done, Macie! Logan Storey, you have worked so hard in literacy this week and produced some wonderful work-well done, Logan! Riley Wilkinson, your hard working attitude has returned in literacy and the work you are producing is excellent-keep it up!

Year 5: Class 11, you have really impressed us with your wonderful weaving skills-they were amazing-well done everyone! Vincent Gowland, this is for trying so hard with your reading and for flying through Accelerated Reader-well done! Jamie Sanderson, your fantastic ideas in literacy when writing a non-chronological report-it was amazing! Well done, Jamie! Chanelle Hall, this is for persevering to understand written divisions-well done! Jessica Fenwick, your mature approach and thoughtful questioning during science was amazing this week was fabulous-well done!

Year 6: Olivia Field, this is for your fantastic attitude towards your maths learning-you always give 100% and make us so proud! Carmen Seaman, you have produced some fantastic literacy work this week. You have tried so hard in every single lesson-well done, Carmen! Callum Jeffrey, this is for being amazing during literacy lessons this week-your knowledge of our class book is great and it is lovely to see your hand up! Well done, Callum!


This week’s focus has been all around manners and respect; not that our children need more work on this-it is because our children are very respectful and well-mannered and this is something they should be very proud of-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Broden Newton, you are amazing and you always show respect to everyone in school-well done, Broden! Lily Shakesby, you show your friends how to use good manners-well done, Lily!

Year 2: Michael Graham, you always use your manners-especially in the dinner hall-you make Mr Bradwell smile! Well done, Michael! Amelia Anderson, you are such a kind girl with beautiful manners! Well done, Amelia!

Year 3: Frankie Strong, you have been noticed by lots of adults this week for your great manners-well done Frankie! Riley Foot, you always have amazing manners to everyone, at all times-well done, Riley!

Year 4: Molly Skinner, you are an absolute super star and are respectful and well-mannered at all times-well done, Molly! Lexi Lee, we are very lucky to have you here at Southwick as you are respectful and well-mannered at all times! Harley Leadbitter, you are an absolute star-you show respect at all times-you are a true role model!

Year 5: Abby Sommerford, you are always polite and well-mannered, you are a true role model-well done, Abby! Lacey McCully, you are such a polite and courteous member of our school-well done, Lacey! Ava Gladstone, you are such a kind, helpful and well-mannered member of our school-well done, Ava!

Year 6: Mrs Watson’s Literacy Set, you are all so kind and thoughtful to each other. Every one of you shows impeccable manners and you are all amazing! Mark Taylor, you are always kind, caring and polite to all-well done, Mark! Olivia Field, you are always a fantastic role model with your wonderful manners! Well done, Olivia!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has had a wonderful week again this week thanks to everyone in school. He has been watching and listening and has chosen some very well-mannered and respectful members of our school to receive a Head Teacher’s Award…

We will miss you all next week as we are on half term. We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to our whole community for the continued support you have shown. Have a lovely week off everyone, stay safe and we will see you all on Monday 7th June!


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