Rewards 2nd July 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ronnie Smith, this is for having a fantastic week and for trying lots of new and exciting things-well done! Gracie McBride, this is for your fantastic behaviour all week! Well done, Gracie, we are so proud!

Year 2: Conal Murphy, your confidence and speed when challenged on the climbing wall was amazing! You were like Spiderman! Well done, Conal! Maisie McCririe, your attitude towards sports week has been amazing! You have really impressed us with your sportsmanship-well done, Maisie!

Year 3: Alice Brown, the courage and determination you showed on the climbing wall made us so proud! Well done, Alice! Jack Robinson, your amazing dedication during health week has blown our socks off! Well done, Jack!

Year 4: Alayna McKinnell, your effort and attitude this week have been absolutely amazing-you have been a ray of sunshine and it has been so lovely spending time watching you flourish and shine! Well done, Alayna! Logan Addison-this is for not giving up when climbing yesterday! You felt every emotion from fear, sadness and wanting to give up and turned it round to show us just how resilient you are! You are a star!


This week’s Jigsaw focus is to respect and understand the changes you see in other people. This is another thing we are good at; our children are very perceptive and thoughtful. Through the work and discussions we have had this week , our children never cease to amaze us! Well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Lily Lawson, you know how people are feeling and help them stay in the green zone, well done, Lily! Sienna Allan, you know how people are feeling and you try to help them when they need it-well done, Sienna!

Year 2: Mason Loades, you recognise when your friends are upset and you know how to comfort them-well done, Mason! Siana Middleton, you understand gender groups and can identify the difference between boys and girls-well done, Siana!

Year 3: Frankie Strong, you understand and accept that everyone is different-you are an amazing young lady! Well done, Frankie!

Year 4: Alayna McKinnell, you respected the changes you saw in your classmates yesterday when faced with a scary challenge. You knew when to support, when to console and when to celebrate them-you are amazing!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Our youngest children in school (Nancy, Harper and Sadie) from New Beginnings have amazed Mr Robson this week; after their trip to Penshaw Monument the girls were so impressed and inspired they drew pictures of the famous landmark! These are brilliant girls; we are so very proud of you all!

Sadly in school this week we have lots of year groups isolating. We are all so proud of the mature and sensible way you are all dealing with changes and we would like to say a big well done and thank you to you all-both in school and those at home. You are the reason that we all love coming to work every day! Keep being amazing Southwick!


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