Rewards 9th July

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Lucas Brown, you have tried so hard all week and are doing brilliantly when reading-well done, Lucas! Sienna Allan, you have been a fantastic member of year 1 and we will miss you so much-your new school are so very lucky to have you!

Year 3: Zander Tumwyukye, you have been an absolute pleasure to have in the classroom this week-you are a star!

Year 4: Logan Crooks, you have been so helpful this week-thank you very much! Isaac Powell, your enthusiasm for your art work in the style of Paul Klee has been amazing-you are a star! Frazer Brown for your excellent contributions to our music sessions-you were absolutely brilliant-well done, Frazer!

Year 5: Billy Robbins, you always put 100% into everything you do-you are a star! Mercedes James, you wrote a fantastic non-chronological report about the changes in childhood, it was excellent and we were so proud! Well done, Mercedes! Ahmed Alderi, your superb sewing skills blew us all away this week-you were amazing! Well done, Ahmed! Jamie Sanderson, you also knocked our socks off with your sewing skills this week-well done, Jamie! Riley Allan, this is for being such an amazing, caring and smiling member of Southwick Primary-we are going to miss you so very much but your new school are so very lucky to have you! Well done, Riley! Delaney Templeton, your recorder work and solo in class was amazing-we are so proud Delaney!


This week’s focus is still to respect the changes we see in other people . We are sharing ideas around this theme and having some amazing discussions!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Joe Armstrong, you are able to ask for help if you are worried about change and are able to find an adult to help-well done, Joe! Jade Pearson, you are able to talk to your teachers when you are worried-this is a very mature thing to do-well done, Jade!

Year 3: Leah Reynolds, you can deal with changes in a very mature manner, you are becoming so mature! Well done, Leah!

Year 4: Jessica Green, you are able to respect changes and you know where to go to seek support when needed, well done Jessica!

Year 5: Abigail Luckham, you don’t only see the changes, you celebrate everyone’s unique qualities and treat everyone with respect! Well done, Abigail! Tiffany Luckham, you are such a kind and friendly member of the class and always respect all changes you see in others, you are a star!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Everyone in school this week has been amazing, as have our children who are isolating! However, this week Mr Robson is a little sad because we have two fantastic members of our school that are leaving us!

Sienna Allan– year 1 will not be the same without you! You are a real super star and we will miss you so much!

Riley Allan, we will miss you so much-you are an amazing young man! Keep smiling and keep being you!

But don’t worry you two, Mr Robson will be checking on you regularly as we cannot wait to see how amazing you are at your new school!

Theon Luckham has produced an excellent project on wellbeing-it blew Mr Robson’s socks off (and everyone else in school too!) Well done, Theon-keep being amazing!

Design a Mascot competition

Last week, in health week, Mrs Waddell set a task to everyone of designing a new mascot for the Paralympic Games! We had 4 winners and their entries blew us away!

Sienna Allan and Lucas Brown in year 1 both won with their amazing designs and won a skipping rope and football-well done you two!

The key stage 2 winners were Theon Luckham and Mia Jarvis with their beautiful designs-well done you two!


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