Rewards 17th September 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: all of Reception, this is for working so hard in your first week-you are all fantastic! Keep it up everyone!

Year 1: Faith Watson, you have worked so hard in RWI and have been segmenting and blending beautifully-well done, Faith! Kira Richardson, this is for your super turn taking when playing outside with your friends, well done, Kira! James McMahon, this is for helping your teachers to decorate your classroom with your beautiful painting in art-it looks amazing! Well done, year 1!

Year 2: Keeron Roberts, your sentence work this week has been amazing in RWI-we are so proud of you-keep it up! Fraser McLaughlin, your character description was excellent this week-we could really picture the enormous crocodile! Well done, Fraser!

Year 3: Dahla Appleby, this is for starting year 3 with a BANG! Your attitude to learning is amazing and you are a wonderful role model-well done! This one is for the whole of year 3-your effort towards home reading has been fabulous! You have blown us away with your efforts-well done all of you! Isaac Brown, your effort this week has been fabulous, as has your attitude in every lesson! You have made us extremely proud Isaac-well done!

Year 4: Ben Nicholson, this is for the fabulous attitude you have had towards every aspect of school this week-you are on fire! Well done, Ben! Leah Reynolds, you have helped everyone in lessons this week-whenever they needed you-you are a star! Well done, Leah!

Year 5: Logan Storey, you have tried so hard this week with your Accelerated Reader quizzes and have made us all so proud-you are amazing! Mrs Barker’s Maths Group, your amazing place value work this week has impressed us all so much-you absolute stars! Well done all of you! Cleron Rankin, this is for your superb contributions in guided reading-you have been fantastic! Well done, Cleron!

Year 6: Ava Fisk, this is for simply being you! you are a kind, funny and studious young lady and you brighten everyone’s day! Thank you Ava! Archie McKenzie, you have blown us away with your literacy skills and your written work was fantastic! The way you read it aloud made it sound even better! Well done, Archie! Connie Murphy, this is for your fantastic geographical knowledge this week. Thank you for sharing it and what a great start to our topic! Well done, Connie!


This week’s focus was still to make others feel welcome. This is so important, especially as we have had several new children start at our school this week and thanks to everyone they have felt very welcome-thank you everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Alisha Smith, you help welcome everyone every morning and make them feel so welcome-well done, Alisha!

Year 3: Class 8, you have welcomed Sophia back so positively this week-thank you all! Ella Jenkins, you always welcome others into your games when you play on the yard, what a kind young lady you are-well done, Ella!

Year 4: Dzesika Barkevica, you always have a friendly and welcoming attitude-you are a star! Well done, Dzesika! Harley Jeffrey, you are always kind and considerate to others and certainly make them feel welcome-well done, Harley!

Year 5: Clayton Sewell, you have made everyone feel very welcome and you are also the best class helper! Well done, Clayton! Riley Wilkinson, you are always such a kind and friendly member of our school and you always make sure everyone is included-well done, Riley! Jae Gladstone, you love to help others which always makes people feel welcome-you are such a kind and caring friend. Well done, Jae!

Year 6: Jamie Sanderson, you continue to be such a kind and very considerate member of our school-you are a true role model! Well done, Jamie! Ashton Daley, you are always kind to everyone and offer kind words whenever anyone enters the room-well done, Ashton! Vincent Gowland, you always think of kind words to say as people come into the classroom-you are a star!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has smiled from ear to ear again this week as we have had another amazing week! You wouldn’t think we had been off for our summer holidays and this was only our first full week back at school!

Katie Roberts has earned her pen license this week-a massive year 4 achievement Katie, well done!


This week’s winners were Class 15 with 100%! We cannot ask for more than that-well done Class 15!


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