Rewards 1st October 2021

It’s been another wonderful week here in Southwick-it’s been another busy one but everyone has been amazing again!

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Evie Mardghum, you always follow the rules Evie and you have had a fabulous week-well done! Ava Potts, you have also had a wonderful week and have tried your very best in group time activities-well done, Ava!

Reception: JJ Gillespie, this certificate is for being a fantastic group member; listening to others and asking interesting questions! Well done, JJ! Nyah-Lee Wright, this is for fantastic effort with your homework this week-you are a star! Well done, Nyah! Rocco Foot, you always have your hand up and try your best-you are amazing! Charlie Edmonds, this is for always listening and always trying your best-well done, Charlie-amazing stuff!

Year 1: Ava-Lilly Jurdison, this is for giving amazing answers when counting backwards in maths-you are a maths star! Kye Barker-Robins, You have been an absolute superstar this week in everything-you are amazing! Well done, Kye!

Year 2: Lola Smith, this is for your fabulous work this week-you have blown our socks off with your resilience! Great stuff, Lola! Finley Broome-Letson, your work in reading VIPERS this week has been amazing! Well done you absolute star!

Year 3: Rochelle Anderson, this is for your outstanding effort in all of our lessons-you blow us away with your attitude to learning-what a star you are Rochelle! Lukas Lawson Sykes, this is for being so enthusiastic during topic sessions this week, you will make a fantastic geologist in the future-well done!

Year 4: Katie Roberts, you have had a fantastic attitude to all of your work again this week. You always put 100% into everything-well done! Ellie Taylor, you are a pleasure to have in school-your work ethic is fantastic-well done, Ellie! Bahar Fars, this is for a fantastic first week at our school. You have taken everything in your stride and we feel like we have known you for forever-well done, Bahar!

Year 5: Jasmine Doughty, this is for working hard in all subjects this week-especially science-keep it up you star! Alayna McKinnell, this is for being an all round star! Good luck in your new school-we will miss you very much! Keep being you, Alayna! Leah Nicholson, your amazing ideas in literacy this week have impressed us so much-well done, Leah! Kenzie Phillips, your careful listening and super concentration when drawing your amazing perspective picture has earned you this certificate this week-well done, Kenzie! Jessica Callaghan, this is for your super participation in maths and for always trying your best-you are a star!

Year 6: Brooke Belford-Trusty, this is for your fantastic resilience in maths this week-we love watching your confidence grow! well done, Brooke! Jessica Fenwick, this is for your amazing science work on the classification of animals, your level of detail was fantastic! well done, Jessica!


This week’s Jigsaw focus was to respect everyone’s right to learn. This is a massively important focus and we all had answers that would help us succeed in this aspect of school life.

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Darcie Letson-Ward, this is for always doing your best when tidying-this means the resources are where they should be to allow others to use them and learn. Great effort, Darcie!

Year 1: Maddox Ellison, you think about everyone’s right to learn and showed great teamwork this week in PE-well done! Romaine Devlin, you support everyone’s right to learn and always listen respectfully to the ideas from your classmates. You are a great partner during partner work too-well done, Romaine!

Year 2: Leilah Smith, you think about everyone’s right to learn and supported your partner beautifully in RWI-well done! Robbie Moore, you make sure everyone receives praise during maths for their good work-you are so supportive of everyone. Well done, Robbie!

Year 3: Jesse Bretwood, you think about everyone’s right to learn and are always kind and supportive during group tasks-thank you Jesse! Amelia Anderson, you have worked brilliantly with your partner this week-you are a star! Well done, Amelia!

Year 4: Zander Tumwijuke, you understand your responsibilities perfectly in school-you always follow the rules and allow everyone to learn-well done, Zander! Faith Davies, you never display any behaviours that would affect anyone else’s learning-you are a star, Faith!

Year 5: Logan Crooks, you always respect others and love to help other people learn by helping out in the classroom-thank you Logan! Jessica Green, you are a model pupil and a fantastic role model-you always respect everyone’s right to learn-well done, Jessica! Jasie-Leigh Roberts, you always work so hard and are very considerate of other learners too-well done, Jasie-Leigh!

Year 6: Connie Murphy, you follow our school rules every minute of every day-you are a true role model-well done, Connie! Tiffany Luckham, you respect everyone’s right to learn by having an excellent attitude and always following our school rules-you are a star!

Head Teacher Shoutout!

Mr Robson has been smiling from ear to ear again this week-everyone has been amazing! Some of year 5 went to a bowling tournament with other schools this week and were amazing! You are all a credit to our school and we are so very proud of you all!


This week’s winners are Class 14 with 97%! Well done all of you! Here are some pictures of this week’s and last week’s winning classes sharing hot chocolate and biscuits with Mr Robson-well done to you all!


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