Rewards 15th October 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Maddison-Rose Hall, you were able to describe the seasons this week-well done, Maddison! Bella Stead, this certificate is for your fantastic maths work this week-you are a star! Lucas Jones, this is for your hard work and excellent behaviour when learning about the seasons-well done, Lucas! Lilly-Rose Harding, you gave fabulous answers during our seasons learning this week-well done, Lilly!

Year 1: Stevie-Jo Ross, your work this week in RWI has been amazing-you always try your heart out-well done, Stevie-Jo! Louie Tench, this is for building an amazing bridge during DT this week. Your team work was excellent-well done, Louie!

Year 2: Gracie McBride, this is for trying your very best in all lessons since starting year 2-you are a star Gracie! Joe Armstrong, you have been a star this week with your reading and have tried so hard-keep it up! Well done, Joe!

Year 3: Charlie James, this is for being AMAZING! You are a credit to year 3 and make us so proud everyday! Well done, Charlie! Olivia Kennedy, you have had a fabulous first week here at Southwick and we are so lucky to have you-well done, Olivia!

Year 4: Lola Richardson, your research skills in literacy have been amazing this week-you even helped your friends when they were struggling! Well done, Lola! Calum Kennedy, this is for a fantastic first week here at Southwick too-you are a wonderful addition to our school! Well done, Calum! The whole of year 4-this is for our fantastic participation and enthusiasm in the dance festival this week. You were all amazing and made us all so proud-well done everyone!

Year 5: Jae Gladstone, you always help others and are a kind and caring friend, you are a star! Well done, Jae! Harley Leadbitter, you have tried so hard in maths this week-you are a times tables super star! Well done, Harley! Deacon Stokell, you always join in with class discussions, we can always rely on you for some fantastic ideas-well done, Deacon! Riley Wilkinson, this is for your fantastic enthusiasm and effort in maths when solving problems with negative numbers this week-well done, Riley!

Year 6: Abigail Luckham, this is for being a wonderful member of year 6-you are a true role model for everyone in school-thank you Abigail! Kadie Wilson, your enthusiasm during our class assemblies was fantastic-you were an absolute super star-well done, Kadie!


This week’s focus was a double one-to work well with others and to use kind words. It was so hard to choose the winners again this week as you are all amazing!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Emily Nguyen, we are so proud that you are always so kind to everyone and help others if they need it-well done, Emily!

Reception: Holden Wilson, you worked so well with your friend this week-we are so proud, well done!

Year 1: Alisha Smith, you always use kind words Alisha-you are an absolute kindness super star! Thomas Defty, you work so well with others and always use kind words-you completed your bridge challenge with your team brilliantly! Well done, Thomas!

Year 2: Marshall Richardson, you are so good when working with others and you always help your friends in RWI lessons, thank you Marshall! Lola Smith, you work beautifully with others and supported your partner excellently when reading-thank you Lola!

Year 3: Mason Loades, you always work well with a partner to complete any tasks-you are a star! Well done, Mason! Dahla and Kalvin, you worked excellently this week to create your brilliant volcano! Well done you perfect pair!

Year 4: Katie Roberts, you pulled your group together to complete the tasks set in your topic lessons this week-well done, Katie! Class 11, you worked brilliantly to create your class display this week-it is amazing!

Year 5: Jasmine Doughty, you always work well with others and you love to help everyone-well done, Jasmine! Eleanor Jackson, you are always such a good partner to everyone-no matter what the task! Well done, Eleanor! Lexi Lee, you have worked so well in partner and group tasks this week-you are amazing!

Year 6: Samanta Borsut, you always work well with others and always use kind words, you are an amazingly kind young lady and a true role model! Well done, Samanta! Caitlin Thompson, you always think of something kind to say to everyone-you are a caring and considerate member of our school-well done, Caitlin!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has had such a busy week looking at all of your amazing work-you have all knocked his socks off again this week. He was so proud of class 16 and the class assembly they did for their families-you were all amazing! Well done, Class 16!

Emilia Chapman produced an excellent pastel recreation of Christ The Redeemer in art this week. She used the medium and shading techniques to add layers and tone-an amazing job Emilia-well done!

We also had more science work prizes to hand out as the amount of work we received and the standard of work was amazing! Well done winners!


This week’s winners are Class 2 with 97.3% And here they are enjoying their well-earned hot chocolate and biscuits with Mr Robson-well done Class 2!


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