St Oswald’s Children’s Hospice Snowdogs

snowdogSt Oswald’s Children’s Hospice has teamed up with Wild in Art to stage Tyne mexico pharmacy online drugstore, trust pharmacy online pet doxycycline from canada Mexican Drug Store, buy doxycycline online overnight prescription drugs online from canada and Wear’s biggest ever mass-participation, public art event – Great North Snowdogs!  The interactive trail will feature more than 50 large scale Snowdog sculptures, inspired by the much loved animated short film, The Snowman™ and The Snowdog,  Many local schools During Autumn and Winter 2016 you will be able to follow the trail, collect points with our dedicated app and to try to see as many of the sculptures as possible.

The Snowdogs, beautifully decorated by artists and generously sponsored by local businesses, will be on show for 10 weeks from September 2016, in locations across Tyne and Wear. They will be joined by a pack of little Snowdog sculptures designed by local school children.

After you have enjoyed Great North Snowdogs during its 10-week extravaganza, the large sculptures will be auctioned to raise funds for St Oswald’s Hospice.

A snowdog was purchased on behalf of our school by Gentoo, so that we could take part in this exciting project.  We wanted our Snowdog to represent our school and the community of Southwick. Every child in school designed their own unique patch and our Family Art Group began layering and binding the pieces together to decorate and cover him. Similar to a traditional patchwork quilt ‘PATCH’ tells our story. He symbolises the individuality of each and every child – but also the cohesion of our school and its wider community.

Our Snowdog will be on view to the public at Sunderland Museum and Winter gardens from the 19th September.


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