Rewards 3rd December 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: Lucas Jones, you have tried so hard all week-especially in our nativity! Well done, Lucas! Holden Wilson, your Nativity performances have been excellent-we love your singing and actions! Well done, Holden! Charlie Edmonds, you always follow the rules and try your best to be a kind friend! Well done, Charlie! Lilah Haddock, you have sang your heart out in our Nativity-what a star you are! Well done, Lilah!

Year 1: Lorii Quinn, you are always helpful and kind! Thank you lorii! Nikodem Turas, you have worked super hard when naming and identifying all of your body parts-well done, Nikodem! Dante McHenry, you have had a fantstic week-9it has been great to see you smiling and trying your best-well done, Dante!

Year 2: L’Jai Lockwood, you have made the right choices all week-what a star you are! Well done, L’Jai! April Williams, your RWI work was amazing this week-your use of adjectives was wonderful! Keep it up, April!

Year 3: Carly Bewick, this is for your fabulous efforts in all subjects, you have made us so proud! Well done, Carly! Mason Loades, your efforts with your home reader have been amazing and you are an Accelerated Reader star! Well done, Mason!

Year 4: Lacey Clark, this is for fantastic effort in RWI this week-you have applied your sounds in everything! Carter Mason, you have tried so hard this week in RWI sessions-you are impressing everyone in school! Well done, Carter!

Year 5: Fletcher Murphy, this is for just being you! You always try your best and are a wonderful role model! Well done, Fletcher! Evie Harrison, you have impressed us so much with your amazing effort in literacy this week-well done, Evie! Jasie Leigh Roberts, your responses during our science lessons have been amazing! What a star you are! Well done, Jasie!

Year 6: Delaney Templeton, this is for your fantastic attitude towards your literacy all week-you have made us so proud-keep it up! Jessica Fenwick, your hard work and effort in our Christmas song. You sang like an angel and showed us how wonderful you are!


This week’s focus is to use kind words. We are great at being kind and respectful and great at helping our friends and teachers feel good about themselves!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Stevie-Jo Ross, you use kind words all of the time to support and encourage all of your friends. Thanks you Stevie-Jo! Sofia Ball, you are always so kind, polite and well-mannered! Thank you Sofia! Harper Ditch, you always try to make your friends feel good-what a star you are Harper!

Year 2: Ivan Glover, you always use kind words to make everyone smile-thank you Ivan! Lucas Brown, you are always kind to everyone in school. Thank you Lucas!

Year 3: Elzbieta Nayir, you are a compliment queen! Thank you Elzbieta! Darcy Wilkinson, you are kind to everyone in school-you are an absolute star!

Year 4: Isabella Dickson, you are always kind, friendly and polite to everyone-thank you Isabella! Bryony Anderson, you made excellent contributions to our kindness calendar-well done, Bryony!

Year 5: Lexie Johnson, you are such a kind and caring young lady who loves to help others! Thank you Lexie! Logan Foot, you are lovely to everyone, all the time! Thank you Logan! Amy Flood, you are such a positive and thoughtful member of our school and we are so lucky to have you. Thank you Amy!

Year 6: Max Dombkowski, you use kind words to everyone at all times-you are an absolute credit to our school! Thank you Max! Abby Sommerford, you are so kind and respectful towards everyone and you always use kind words. You are a credit to our school! Thank you Abby!

Head teacher Shout Out!

Tiffany and Abigail Luckham have really impressed Mr Robson this week. They have worked alongside the year 6 staff to plan and resource a mini topic on Guyana linked to their South America topic. Guyana is close to the girls’ hearts as that is their parents’ country of origin and they have been so proud to share their knowledge with their peers. They have also baked, planned activities, quizzes and lessons based on the country and everyone in year 6 has loved their topic! Well done ladies!


This week’s winners are class 15 again-three weeks in a row with 96.5% this week! Well done again Class 13! Here they are enjoying their well-deserved hot chocolate!


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