Head Teacher’s Blog: School uniform and haircuts

Southwick Community Primary School requires that children wear school uniform. Our uniform code has been devised by the Governors of the school to be a smart, common sense choice which is good value for money.

The Southwick Community Primary School uniform code has been designed to give pupils a sense of togetherness and team spirit so that they can feel proud to be part of the school. There are also health and safety requirements that mean our uniform represents a safe set of clothing and footwear for busy active learners whilst ensuring that our pupils are visible and identifiable in the community – this is especially important when we are out on school trips.

Our uniform code is:

  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White/pale blue polo shirt
  • Black or grey trousers/skirt. Shorts or Blue gingham print dress are allowed for summer months
  • Flat/Low-heeled black shoes (not trainers).

Our P.E. Uniform is:

  • White T-shirt
  • Royal Blue Shorts
  • Black Plimsolls or bare feet (indoor PE) Black Plimsolls/trainers (outdoor)
  • Stud earrings and watches removed.

Haircuts and Jewellery

  • Stud earrings and watches are allowed, but must be removed for P.E.
  • Extreme fully or partially bleached/dyed hair is not acceptable.
  • No lines or patterns at all should be cut into hair.
  • No make-up including nail varnish

The only permitted jewellery is one pair of stud type earrings although we discourage all earrings because they must be removed for any physical activity. A watch may be worn although these too must be removed for physical activity. No make-up or nail varnish is permitted to be worn. Staff will ask children to remove make up or nail varnish using a suitable wipe.

It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to provide and maintain a suitable uniform for your child. It is important that we work in partnership to maintain the highest standards for our children at Southwick Community Primary School.  If a child does not come to school in the correct school uniform, we will attempt to provide that child with a suitable item of uniform to change into.

Our school uniform supplier is Little Gems, 259a, High St West, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, SR1 3DH. Tel: 0191 5108186



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