Head Teacher’s Welcome

At Southwick Community Primary School you will find a welcoming and purposeful environment, with relationships built on mutual respect. 

Our supportive pastoral systems help pupils to achieve beyond their expectations and develop a strong sense of responsibility for themselves, their peers and the wider world.   Our children demonstrate positive attitudes toward their learning and each other and they develop livelong skills for learning and building relationships. Achievement and a ‘can do’ attitude are at the heart of our philosophy; we support this through nurturing pupils’ creativity, encouraging independent thinking and learning and showing that mistakes can be a learning opportunity.

Children feel happy and safe in our school and visitors comment on their good behaviour and the calm, supportive atmosphere created by all in our school.

We hope you enjoy exploring this website and finding out about our school.  If you would like a tour, please contact the office and arrange an appointment.  I am always happy to show visitors the work of our successful school. We hope that you will always feel welcome in our school. If you have any queries or concerns you may wish to discuss, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr Christian Robson
Head Teacher