Rewards 16th December 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: All of Nursery, you have all been being fabulous and had excellent behaviour on our school trip to the pantomime! Well done, Nursery! All of Reception Class, you have had a wonderful first term in reception and for your great dancing at the Christmas party!

Year 1: Benjamin Knowlson, you asked fabulous questions during our visit to the church-well done, Benjamin! Jackson Lawson-Sykes, you listened beautifully when we visited the church-well done, Jackson! Spencer King, you have been spreading Christmas joy all week with your amazing singing! Thank you Spencer!

Year 2: All of Year 2, you are the most fabulous bunch and Mrs Goodwin will miss you all when she leaves this week-well done, year 2! Frankie Mason, you come into school every morning with the biggest smile and a fantastic attitude-thank you, Frankie!

Year 3: Jack Geeson, your teamwork and effort in our Christmas quiz was amazing! Well done, Jack! Conal Murphy, you played the glockenspiel beautifully this week-it was amazing! Well done, Conal!

Year 4: Alfie Duke, for your fantastic card and calendar; you were very patient and chose your colours well-well done, Alfie! Bryony Anderson, you have made fantastic progress this term in literacy-you are a star! Well done, Bryony!

Year 5: Class 14, you have all simply been amazing! You have had the best term and we are all so very proud of you! Well done, Class 14! Macie-Jo Reaper and Jasie-Leigh Roberts, your teamwork this week has been amazing when making your toy in DT-well done ladies!

Year 6: Tiffany Luckham, you have had a fantastic first term in year 6-you are a wonderful student and a true role model! Well done, Tiffany! Lilly Keogh, this is for simply being you-you are a delight to have in school! Well done, Lilly!


This week’s Jigsaw focus was to use kind words and there have been so many used in school this week-thank you everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ava-Lilly Jurdison, you always use kind words and think about what your friends would like to hear-thank you Ava! Miles McBurnie, you use your words wisely and think about what will make others happy-well done, Miles! Carson King, you know exactly what to say when your friends are sad! Thank you Carson!

Year 2: Joe Armstrong, you are always kind and caring to everyone-thank you Joe! Aleksy Staniszewski, you always give compliments to your friends-thank you!

Year 3: Kai Johnson, you always use kind words and you are a wonderful friend! Well done, Kai! Aston Burlinson, you always celebrate your friends’ achievements and make them smile with your kind words-well done, Aston!

Year 4: Lola Richardson, you always brighten everyone’s day with your kind words-thank you, Lola! Larna Scott, you are polite and friendly to everyone! Thank you Larna!

Year 5: Jasmine Doughty, you are such a caring and helpful friend-you are amazing! Well done, Jasmine!

Year 6: Landi Mangure, you always compliment your friends when they share their work-thank you Landi! Lacey McCully, you always use kind words to everyone, you are a true role model and we are lucky to have you! Thank you Lacey!

Head teacher Shout Out

Everyone in school has impressed Mr Robson this week-from Christmas crafts to dancing at parties-you have all been wonderful! Have a wonderful Christmas to all of our families and we will see you all in the new year!


This week’s winners are Class 3 and Class 11 who both got 98.7%-well done all of you!


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