Rewards 7th January 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: Charlie Edmonds, you have a lovely attitude and you are an excellent role model-well done, Charlie! Leo Ford, you have been able to get yourself dressed to play outside in the cold! Well done, Leo! Destiny Parkin, you showed excellent listening and great answers when looking at dinosaurs-well done, Destiny! Payge Gayler, you gave great answers when we talked about winter and exploring ice-well done, Payge! Iyla Bates-Whitfield, you have not only been so kind to everyone in school-you have tried your heart out in phonics too-well done, Iyla! Lyla Defty, you have made us all smile this week and your first week of full time nursery has been amazing! well done, Lyla!

Year 1: Olivia Davies, you have had a brilliant week in school and you have tried your best in everything! Well done, Olivia! Kira Richardson, you have been an absolute super star this week-you have taken everything in your stride and we are so proud! Spencer King, you have tried so hard when using capital letters this week-well done, Spencer!

Year 2: Lola Smith, you have tried so hard in all of your lessons-keep it up! well done, Lola! Steven Doran, this is for your fantastic topic work about Charles Darwin-well done, Steven!

Year 3: Ella Jenkins-you are always a fantastic role model and you are always determined to achieve the goals you set for yourself! Well done, Ella! Class 8, you have all come back to school with a brilliant attitude, showing how eager you are to start the new year amazingly! Well done, Class 8!

Year 4: Henry Gowland, your fantastic knowledge about sound in our science lessons was amazing! Well done, Dr Gowland! Carter Mason, you have had a brilliant start to our new term, you are really trying hard to impress everyone in school-you absolute star!

Year 5: Daniel Smith, you are making such an effort with your handwriting and are doing really well to remember finger spaces! Well done, Daniel! Class 13, you have made Mrs Skipp feel really welcome and you are all helping her so much-thank you Class 13! Logan Crooks, your contributions in our literacy lessons this week-well done!

Year 6: Jamie Sanderson, your effort and resilience has been amazing this week-you are a star! Eden Sampson, you have worked so hard in literacy using strategies to work out unknown words-you have really impressed us! Well done, Eden! Jayden Isherwood, you have listened to, and followed instructions brilliantly this week! Well done!


This week’s focus was to stay motivated when trying something challenging-this is a very hard skill but one we are definitely improving on!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Dainton Templeton, you ask lots of questions when you are stuck to help you-well done, Dainton! Ronnie Green, you always put your hand up in lessons to clarify things-well done, Ronnie! Daisy Towle, you have tried so hard in maths and didn’t give up when the problem solving got challenging! Well done, Daisy!

Year 2: Aleksy Staniszewski, you have stayed motivated when learning your spellings! Well done, Aleksy! Lily Shakesby, you do not give up when you find something hard and we are so proud!

Year 3: Tommy Lusby, you always give 100% when completing your work-even when you find it tricky! Carly Bewick, you always show determination when completing your work! Well done, Carly!

Year 4: Jack Robinson, you never give up in maths-even when it is really tricky! Riley Foot, you never give up and always try your best-well done, Riley!

Year 5: Jessica Callaghan, you always persevere in maths and never give up-you are a star! Molly Skinner, you always give 100% in everything-you are an absolute star! Summer Willis, you have tried so hard to find multiples in maths-well done, Summer!

Year 6: Marcus Anderson, you are brilliant at staying motivated-your efforts in everything are wonderful-well done, Marcus! Caitlin Thompson, you can keep going-even when you are feeling challenged! well done, Caitlin! Alanah Robson, you have shown great enthusiasm for our fractions work and never gave up! well done, Alanah!

Head teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has had a wonderful start to the new year because of every single person in Southwick Primary School; everyone is so happy to be back and the school is amazing! Well done everyone!


This week’s winners are Class 3 with 98.7%! Well done Class 3!


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