Rewards 21st January 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: Bella Stead, your letter formation in RWI was amazing this week-well done, Bella! Aliyah-Mae Dempster, you have worked so hard in RWI and you have knocked our socks off! Well done, Aliyah-Mae! Cayson Stubbs, this is for your fantastic maths this week-well done, Cayson! Harry Redwin, you have tried so hard to recognise, clap and hear the first sound in your name-well done, Harry!

Year 1: Connor Smith, you had super reasoning when comparing two stories this week-you are a star! Well done, Connor! Joe Scott, you have had a brilliant attitude in maths and you have worked very hard to solve number problems! Well done, Joe! Kye Barker Robins, you have had a great week problem solving in maths-well done, Kye!

Year 2: Robbie Moore, you have tried so hard with your reading in school-we are so proud-well done, Robbie! Leilah Smith, you have tried your best with your spelling this week-keep it up! Well done, Leilah!

Year 3: Mrs Mahone’s Literacy Group, you have wrote sensational poems about The Wizard of Oz-we are so proud! Neeve and Dahla, you worked as an amazing team to create a wonderful Wizard of Oz poem-well done, Neeve and Dahla! James Short, you are always a supportive role model and we are very lucky to have you! Well done, James!

Year 4: Lucas |Dawson, you wrote a brilliant persuasive letter about climate change, your vocabulary was excellent-well done, Lucas! Hollie Patterson, you listened to advice and applied it to your amazing monster description-well done, Hollie!

Year 5: Brendan Dorothy, you made some wonderful contributions in our geography lessons this week-you are a star! Year 5 Sports Ability Group, you worked so well as a team this week and were wonderful representatives for our school-well done! Jessica Callaghan, you did amazing sketches and amazing reading about Peter Thorpe-well done, Jessica!

Year 6: Ahmed Aldiri, you have been amazing in literacy this week-you always challenge yourself-well done, Ahmed! Max Dombkowski, you put 100% effort in everything and are a true role model-well done, Max! Krystal Towle, you always do your best in every single aspect of school life and you are simply wonderful! Well done, Krystal!


This week’s focus was to work well with a partner or in a group. We are excellent workers together!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Benjamin Knowlson, you are always an amazing perfect partner in RWI! Well done, Benjamin! Dante McHenry, you always listen to what your partner thinks-well done, Dante! Lilly-Mae Robins, you had excellent discussions with your partner when learning about traditional tales-well done, Lilly-Mae!

Year 2: Sam Burlinson, you have worked excellently with your partner in RWI, well done, Sam! Lola Smith, you worked well with others when making an animal video-well done, Lola!

Year 3: Olivia Kennedy, you always support your friends in class whenever they need help! Well done, Olivia! All of Year 3, you worked excellently in teams during science week-we are so proud!

Year 4: Jack Robinson, you worked so well in a team to write an anti-bullying rap-well done, Jack! Henry, Lucas, Alfie and Zander, you worked so well together this week-you took on board all advice and listened really well to each other’s suggestions-well done boys!

Year 5: Harley Leadbitter, you always help your friends and work so well in a group-well done, Harley! Lexie Lee and Clayton Sewell, you were a brilliant team this week and cracked your codes so quickly-well done Lexie and Clayton!

Year 6: Alex Thompson, you work so well with everyone-you are a true role model! Well done, Alyx! Alanah Drennan, you work so well with anyone and everyone in school-you are such a supportive young lady and we are so proud! Well done, Alanah! Sophia Robinson, you are very considerate of others when working in a group-well done, Sophia!

Head teacher Shout Out

Mr Robson is so proud of everyone this week-staff and pupils! He is so proud of the resilience, kindness and consideration everyone shows each other-well done Southwick!


This week’s winners are Class 14 and Class 15 with 100%-amazing effort from all of you-well done!


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