Rewards 28th January 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: Blake Anderson, you have had a wonderful week in RWI; you have worked very hard and tried your best-well done, Blake! Esamay Stobbart, you have worked so well in maths this week-you have made us very proud! Well done, Esamay! Allena Potts, you have been a wonderful helper this week-what a superstar! Linden Proctor, you have tried extra hard with everything in school this week-well done!

Year 1: Ronnie Green, you used impressive language when describing Andy Warhol’s art-well done! Emily Cruickshanks, you have been a lovely friend and have played lovely games outside-well done! Harvey-Lee Stobart, you worked so hard to identify the features of pop art! Well done, Harvey!

Year 2: Steven Doran, this is for trying your best in every lesson-keep it up! Joe Armstrong, your sight reading this week has been amazing! Well done, Joe!

Year 3: Rio Archer, your retell of The Wizard of Oz was amazing! We are so proud! Conal Murphy, you have had a fantastic week and have blown us all away in all subjects-well done, Conal!

Year 4: Alice Brown, you have worked so hard in maths on time this week and your work ethic has been amazing! Well done, Alice! Amelia Longstaff, you always put 100% into everything you do-we are so very proud!

Year 6: Marcus Anderson, this is for your wonderful contributions in all lessons-you are a star! Connie Murphy, you have a fantastic attitude to learning and you challenge yourself so much-we are very proud! Delaney Templeton, your resilience in literacy this week has been amazing! We love the blogs you have written!


This week’s focus was to have a positive attitude. When you are positive and believe in yourself-anything is possible!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Asiah Newton, you positively approach all writing tasks-well done! Olivia Davies, you were so positive and tried your best when tackling maths addition problems! Adam Alderi, you are so positive when using the computer independently-well done, Adam!

Year 2: Paris Wiseman, you always try everything you are asked to do with a smile! Well done, Paris! Frankie Mason, you have such a positive attitude and come into school with a smile everyday!

Year 3: Mason Loades, you always tackle everything with a smile! Well done, Mason! Darcy Wilkinson, you have been so eager to impress this week and are always so positive! Well done, Darcy!

Year 4: Aryanna Kyriakides, you approach every aspect of school life with a positive attitude-you are a star! Faith Davies, you are a happy and positive member of our school-we are so proud!

Year 6: Eden Sampson, you make us so proud with your amazingly positive attitude! Lily McCririe, you stay positive even when its really challenging-well done, Lily!

Head teacher Shout Out

Mr Robson has a lot to smile about this week; he has seen some wonderful work, excellent attitudes and kindness in all year groups. He is very impressed with Show Club who were wonderful ambassadors during our recent trip to The Sunderland Empire-well done everyone-you did Southwick proud!


This week’s winners are Class 11 with 96.3%-well done Class 11!


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