Rewards 11th February 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: Payge Galer, you have been fantastic in maths this week using number sentences- well done. Taylor Lusby, you have been so independent this week- well done. Aliyah- Rose Dempster, you have done some amazing work in maths counting on – well done. Darci-Mae Lee you have done some excellent work in both R.W.I and maths this week – well done !.

Year 1: Kai Ross, you sequenced the story of the Three Little Pigs beautifully Kai-well done! Ava Dempster, you have been such a good friend this week and you have played lovely games outside-well done, Ava! Lilly-Mae Robins, you have been amazing with inference this week whilst describing how characters feel-well done!

Year 2: Lily Lawson, you have tried your best in our reading sessions and can read more words on sight! Well done, Lily! Orion McHenry, you have worked so hard in number sessions this week-keep it up!

Year 3: Jay Jay Dickinson, you have made so much progress on your star reader quizzes! Well done, Jay Jay! Kalvin Dorothy, you have also made lots of progress with your reading quizzes and you have put so much effort in too! Well done, Kalvin!

Year 4: Luke Stothard, your hard work is really paying off as you have made fantastic progress in reading-well done, Luke! Lucas Dawson, this is for simply being you-you always try your best and you are an absolute pleasure to have in class! Well done, Lucas!

Year 5: Miss Slater’s Maths Group, you have all tried so hard when adding this week and it is lovely to see your confidence grow! Lily Rain, you are such an expressive reader and you have tried so hard-you are a pleasure to listen to! Well done, Lily! Deacon Stokell, you contributed so well to our discussion about people from other cultures and their dreams-you are such a thoughtful young man! Molly Skinner, you have tried so hard in all subjects and you are a pleasure to teach-well done, Molly!

Year 6: Archie McKenzie, you are a fantastic role model and you always try your best-well done, Archie! Alanah Drennan, your effort in science this week was amazing-your work on food groups was great! Well done, Alanah! Jaycie-Leigh Conlon, you are so kind and helpful every day; you are such a good role model and make us proud! Well done, Jaycie-Leigh!


This week is Children’s Mental Health Week so this week’s focus has been on how we can grow together. We have been looking at children and how they incorporate the 5 ways to wellbeing into their lives and we are so proud of everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Harper Ditch, you have tried so hard to improve your letter formation-well done, Harper! Layla Newton, you have tried so hard to improve your number formation-well done, Layla! Lincoln Bell, you help our class grow as you offer to help everyone in class-thank you Lincoln!

Year 2: Steven Doran, you take notice of how others are feeling-thank you Steven! Jenson Bates Whitfield, you were able to use your milkshake breathing in maths to help regulate your emotions-well done, Jenson!

Year 3: Charlie James, you keep learning constantly and your attitude towards developing your reading skills are amazing! Well done Charlie! Elzbieta Nayir, you practise our 5 ways to wellbeing every day! Well done, Elzbieta!

Year 4: Isabella Dickson, you always have time to help others and work as a team-well done, Isabella! Faith Davies, you understand the importance of learning and helping others to learn! Well done, Faith!

Year 5: Jasmine Doughty, you connect well with others and are such a kind and caring friend-well done, Jasmine! Amy Flood, you put 100% effort into everything you do-you are a star! Logan Addison, you have tried so hard and have written so many facts about the planets-well done, Logan!

Year 6: Abby Sommerford, you grow together with others and connect-especially when solving problems this week-well done! Jessica Fenwick, you give constantly with kind words and support for everyone! Thank you Jessica! Sophia Robinson, you look carefully at the 5 ways to wellbeing and discuss ways to improve your own wellbeing-well done, Sophia!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has been so impressed with everyone in school this week-staff and children. He is particularly impressed with Chanelle Hall and Leah Newton who absolutely made his week when they read aloud to him-he was in heaven and so impressed-well done girls!


This week’s winners are Class 12 with 98% Well done Class 12!


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