Rewards 11th March 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Charlie Edmonds, you have worked so hard in maths and R.W.I this week, Well done ! Harper Harrison you have gave lots of fantastic answers about our story this week, well done ! Nylah Foot you have worked so hard in maths this week,giving amazing answers, well done ! Daniel Ilori you have had a fantastic first week in Reception, well done !

Year 1: Benjamin Knowlson, you have impressed everyone this week with your reading-well done, Benjamin! Freya Rainton, you have been a verb queen this week in our SPAG lessons-well done, Freya! Harrison Wood, you have been working so hard in maths and you have tried your best to complete your challenges-well done, Harrison!

Year 2: L’Jai Lockwood, you have made the right choices all week-you are a star! Keep it up! Jade Pearson, your work on habitats was excellent this week-well done, Jade!

Year 3: Dahla Appleby, this is for your outstanding effort in maths and literacy this week-you are a star! Ghemisola Ilori, you have had an amazing first week here at Southwick-you have massively impressed us all with your attitude to learning-well done, Ghemisola! Thalia Drinkald, your effort with your Boudicca narrative was amazing and you created an epic story-well done, Thalia!

Year 4: Luke Stothard, you produced some brilliant work in the style of Lowry-you really took your time and you should be proud! Well done, Luke! Riley Foot, your sketches in the style of Lowry were fabulous-you really took notice of tonal values when using pencils and charcoal-well done, Riley!

Year 5: Class 13 and 14-your effort and performance in our class assembly was amazing! You brightened everyone’s day! Jasmine Doughty, your determination and hard work in maths has been amazing this week-it’s lovely to see how confident you are becoming! Amy Flood, you showed excellent resilience and determination and conquered written multiplication-well done Amy-you are a star!

Year 6: Temi Ilori, you have been a wonderful new addition to our school this week-we cannot wait to create memories with you in year 6-well done, Temi! Blake McLaughlin, this is for simply being you; your smile brightens the room and you are a pleasure to be around-thank you Blake! Delany Templeton, your attitude towards your writing this week has been amazing-you have made us so proud! Well done Delaney!


This week’s focus was to have eaten a healthy balanced diet. We are all so aware of what we need to do to stay healthy and we are trying so hard to make small and achievable changes every week-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Miles McBurnie, you can confidently talk about what makes a balanced diet-well done, Miles! CJ Stubbs, you shared your wonderful ideas about a healthy diet in our Jigsaw lessons-well done, CJ! Birsen Askoy, you can talk about what goes into a healthy life style-well done, Birsen!

Year 2: Nour Sharaf, you make sure you eat all of the vegetables on your lunch-well done, Nour! Frankie Mason, you certainly know which foods are healthy! Well done, Frankie!

Year 3: Isaac Brown, you are now selecting healthier choices for lunch-well done, Isaac! Neeve Conlon, you always select fruit for your dessert-well done, Neeve!

Year 4: Zachary Clark, you are able to explain why a balanced diet is important-well done, Zachary! Alfie Duke, you certainly understand the benefits of a healthy diet and you are able to give advice to others-well done, Alfie!

Year 5: Lexie Johnson, Cleron Rankin and Usha Quinn-Tayo, you tried lots of new and healthy foods during our Greek food tasting-well done all of you!

Year 6: Eden Sampson, you are great at identifying healthy foods and can plan out healthy meals you’d like-well done, Eden! Hollie Russell, you made healthy food choices after playing football this week-well done, Hollie! Harry Ewart, you can think of a healthy lifestyle that also includes exercise-well done, Harry!

Head teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has had another wonderful week in school. He has been shown some amazing work and has loved to see the smiles of all of the staff and children! Keep up the good work Southwick!


This week’s winners are Class 3 with 97% Well done Class 3!


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