Rewards 8th April 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception : Madison-Rose Hall, you did some fantastic maths work this week well done ! Annabelle’ Wrathall, you tried really hard in singing practice this week well done ! Effy Richardson, you worked so hard making your Easter crafts this week, well done ! Destiny Parkin, you had some fantastic answers when re-telling the Easter story, Well done !

Year 1: Kira Richardson, you took so much pride in your retell of the Easter Story and it was fabulous! Well done, Kira! Alisha Smith, you have tried so hard to understand numbers to 100 and you’ve done a great job too-well done, Alisha! Ava-Lily Jurdison, you are a fantastic member of class 3 and try your best in everything you do-well done, Ava-Lily!

Year 2: The whole of Year 2 for your amazing assembly! You all knew your lines off by heart and you made us all so proud! Well done all of you!

Year 3: James Short, your effort in maths has been amazing-you completed your POP tasks brilliantly-well done, James! Carly Bewick, you wrote an excellent report in RWI and you always try your best-well done, Carly!

Year 4: Aryanna Kyriakides, you are always kind and helpful in class with staff and children-well done, Aryanna! Frankie Strong, you are a fabulous mini TA and always help us out in school-it is a joy to have you in our school-well done, Frankie!

Year 5: Grace Wallace, you have tried so hard with long multiplication and have solved lots of problems-well done, Grace! Daniel Smith, you have made amazing progress in your writing and we are so proud-well done, Daniel! Brendan Dorothy, your enthusiasm when learning about Ancient Greece was amazing-you are a historian in the making! Well done, Brendan! Stephen Carter, you have tried so hard to learn the time and it’s lovely to see your confidence grow! Well done, Stephen!

Year 6: Jamie Sanderson, you are an amazing young man and an absolute pleasure to be around-thank you for keeping us all smiling! Vincent Gowland, your independence in maths is fantastic-your concentration and determination have been wonderful-well done, Vincent! Harry Ewart, your problem solving in maths has been unbelievable-your independence was fantastic! Well done, Harry!


This week’s focus was to know how to keep calm in difficult situations and we are all really good at offering suggestions from mindfulness to seeking support from others and using The Zones of Regulation!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Asiah Newton, you always think of others and their feelings-thank you Asiah! Nikodem Turas, you always make the right choices-well done, Nikodem! Amber-Rae Bell, you think about others before yourself-well done, Amber-Rae!

Year 2: Fraser McLaughlin, you tried so hard during our assembly and stayed so calm despite your nerves-well done, Fraser! Joe Armstrong, you didn’t give up in our assembly either and were amazing! Well done, Joe!

Year 3: Harry Brown, you certainly know how to stay calm-you’re amazing! Well done, Harry! Sonny Robins, you keep calm and persevere, even when it’s difficult-well done, Sonny!

Year 4: Lucas Hubbert, you are calm and determined when things are tricky-well done, Lucas! Lucas Dawson, you know who to turn to when difficulties arise-well done, Lucas!

Year 5: Eleanor Jackson, you have the ability to stay calm at all times-we are so proud! Logan Foot, you always stay calm, regardless of how tricky things get-well done, Logan! Harley Leadbitter, you always show resilience and love a challenge-well done, Harley!

Year 6: Connie Murphy, you not only stay calm but you know how to help others if they are getting stressed-well done, Connie! Lacey McCully, you stay calm and have such a calming effect in all situations-you are a true role model-well done, Lacey!

Head teacher Shout Out!

Jaycie-Leigh Conlon blew Mr Robson’s socks off this week when she designed and created a poster on Growth-it was amazing! Well done, Jaycie-Leigh!


This week’s winners are Class 17 with 97.5% Well done Class 17!


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