Rewards 13th May 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Charlie Edmonds, you have really tried your best this week you have given 100% well done! Cassius King, you have worked so hard this week with your letter formation, well done! Dennijoe Rochester, you have worked so hard in R.W.I this week, well done! Hunter Smith, you have tried lots of new things this week, well done!

Year 1: Class3, for your amazing class assembly-you were all wonderful! Ronnie Green, you have read lots of signs around the classroom and we are all so proud of you-well done, Ronnie!

Year 2: Leilah Smith, you have tried so hard in maths this week-well done, Leilah! Orion McHenry, you have had a fantastic week in all subjects-well done, Orion!

Year 3: Maisie McCririe, you have worked brilliantly in maths this week and have been amazing with your multiplication and division work-well done, Maisie! Isaac Brown, your attitude in school this week has been so positive and we are so proud of you-keep it up and well done Isaac! Gbemisola Ilori, this is for your amazing effort to learn your times tables-your speedy recall is brilliant-well done, Gbemisola!

Year 4: Alice Brown, you have worked so hard in maths and geography this week-you are amazing! Well done Alice! Riley Whitfield, you have made great choices and have put 100% effort into your work-well done, Riley!

Year 5: Fletcher Murphy and Summer Willis, your effort and concentration when drawing Viking animal pictures was amazing-well done, Fletcher and Summer! Logan Addison, you have written an amazing information leaflet about how seeds disperse-well done, Logan!

Year 6: All of Year 6-the effort you have all put into your SATs this week has been wonderful-you have made us all so very proud! Thank you everyone!


This week’s focus was to help others feel part of a group. We have had some wonderful Jigsaw lessons this week and you are all amazingly knowledgeable in this area!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ayla Pennock, you always make everyone feel included-well done, Ayla! Emily Cruickshanks, you always include everyone at all times-thank you Emily! Sofia Ball, you are always kind and considerate of others and their feelings-thank you, Sofia!

Year 2: Paris Wiseman, you always try to include everyone in your play-thank you Paris! Finley Broome Letson, you always make sure your friends have someone to play with-well done, Finley!

Year 3: Mason Loades, you are respectful to everyone in year 3-well done, Mason! Dahla Appleby, you show respect and treat everyone with kindness-well done, Dahla!

Year 4: Faith Davies, you are always kind, friendly and welcoming to others-well done, Faith! Riley Foot, you include your friends in everything you do-thank you Riley!

Year 5: Riley Wilkinson, you did such a good job keeping your science group focused and allowed everyone to take part-well done, Riley! Harley Leadbitter, you always include others-you’re a kind and considerate friend-well done, Harley! Frazer Brown, you helped your friends and children in year 1 during the pentathlon event and ensured they succeeded and did their best-well done, Frazer!

Year 6: The Whole of Year 6, you have all supported each other this week and have lifted each other’s spirits and boosted each other’s confidence levels. We cannot be any prouder of you all-well done Year 6!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Another wonderful week this week and Mr Robson is especially proud of Leah Reynolds who earned her pen license this week-well done Leah! A big shout out to all of our year 6 pupils this week who have worked their socks off in the SATs-you are all absolutely amazing and a credit to our school-well done!


This week’s winners are Class 16 (AGAIN!) with 98.9% You are amazingly healthy horses-well done all of you!


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