Rewards 20th May 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception : Deacon Templeton, you have been so brave this week, you are a star ! Blake Anderson, you have worked so hard this week in both R.W.I and numeracy ! Aliyah-Mae Dempster, you have had an amazing week this week, you have showed so much confidence Well done ! Jesse Heskett, you have worked so hard in R.W.I writing sentences this week !

Year 1: Nikodem Turas, your reading has been amazing this week and you always try your best-well done, Nikodem! Harper Ditch, you have had a fantastic week in maths-you have been solving problems and trying your best-well done! Harvey-Lee Stobbart, you are a great friend and make games for everyone to show your respect-well done!

Year 2: All of Year 2-you have had such an amazing attitude towards your special English and maths tasks this week and we are so proud!

Year 3: Olivia Kennedy, your effort and attitude in all lessons is amazing-we are very proud! Aj Harrison, this is for simply being you-you are an absolute pleasure to have in the classroom-well done, Aj!

Year 4: All of Year 4, your observations and questions during our River Wear trip were excellent yesterday-you are all amazing!

Year 5: All of Year 5-you were amazing on our trip to the Life Centre-you did us all proud! Logan Storey, you have tried so hard in maths this week-especially with your 9 times tables-well done, Logan! Blake Birch, you have worked so hard when finding fractions this week-well done, Blake! Macie-Jo Reaper, you have challenged yourself so much this week in maths-we are really impressed! Well done, Macie-Jo!

Year 6: Sophia Robinson, you have been an amazing Year 6 pupil all week-well done, Sophia! Jamie Sanderson, this is for simply being you! You are kind, considerate and polite and we are very proud-well done, Jamie! Lacey McCully, you recognised inaccuracies in your science investigation and led your group to sort them-well done, Lacey!


This week’s focus was to show respect in how you treat others-this is a very important topic because if you show respect to others, they treat you with respect too.

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ava-Lily Jurdison, you always treat your friends with kindness and respect-well done! Kira Richardson, you have such a caring nature and you always make sure everyone is happy-thank you Kira! Lincoln Bell, you can always be relied upon to be a good friend-well done, Lincoln!

Year 2: Sarah Turnbull, you treat everyone with respect-you are a true role model-well done, Sarah! April Williams, you always know how to be kind and helpful to others-well done, April!

Year 3: Rio Archer, you always respect others and their right to learn-well done, Rio! Aston Burlinson, you always respect everyone, in and out of the classroom-well done, Aston!

Year 4: Lola Richardson, you always treat people how you would like to be treated-well done, Lola!

Year 5: Daniel Smith, you were such a thoughtful and supportive partner on our trip-well done, Daniel! Clayton Sewell, you showed respect to your team and the others taking part in the tag rugby tournament this week-well done, Clayton! Logan Crooks, you are a kind and caring friend who always looks out for others-well done, Logan!

Year 6: Temi Ilori, you undertand what respect is and you know how to show it-well done, Temi! Chanelle Hall, you are always kind and respectful, even when people hurt your feelings-well done, Chanelle! Brooke Belford Trusty, you are always respectful-even in difficult situations-well done, Brooke!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Sophia Robinson and Alanah Robson have massively impressed Mr Robson this week with their writing-you blew his socks off ladies-well done! Chanelle Hall has massively impressed him too with her mature attitude, excellent behaviour and fantastic writing based on The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse-well done, Chanelle!


This week’s winners are Class 12 with 97.9% Well done Class 12!


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