Rewards 27th May 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: All of the Giraffe group, you have all had an amazing week learning all about the Platinum Jubilee, well done! John-James Gillespie, you have tried so hard this week in everything you have done, well done ! Harper Smith, you have showed great understanding of our topic this week, fantastic effort! Lilah Haddock, you have done some amazing work in R.W.I this week, your letter formation has been fantastic, well done!

Year 1: Lilly-Mae Robins, your skills in maths this week have been amazing-well done, Lilly-Mae! Ronnie Green, you have had 2 amazing FULL days in school this week-we are so proud-well done, Ronnie! Ava Dempster, you’ve had 2 fantastic weeks in school-well done for being amazing and a good friend!

Year 2: Keeron Roberts, your attitude and perseverance with your sewing project was amazing-you can now thread a needle too-well done, Keeron! Ruby Jurdison, this certificate is for your reading and writing of red words-well done, Ruby!

Year 3: Neeve Conlon, your general knowledge is amazing-you know so many facts it’s unreal-well done, Neeve! Mason Loades, this is for just being you-you’re such a kind friend to everyone and you’re a true role model-well done, Mason!

Year 4: Alisha Drinkald, Aryanna Kyriakides and Calum Kennedy, you all wrote an amazing persuasive letter about plastic pollution-well done all of you! Jack Patterson, you have put brilliant effort into your writing and you’re making great progress-well done, Jack!

Year 5: Bayley Galer, you have worked so hard in maths this week when finding factor pairs-you are a star! Class 14, you have had yet another fantastic half term- you are all amazing! Cleron Rankin, this is for your amazing writing in history and literacy-keep it up!

Year 6: Alanah Robson, you are an amazing member of year 6 and we don’t know what we’ll do without you next year-well done, Alanah! Tiffany Luckham-for simply being you-you’re a pleasure to be around and we are so lucky you’re here-well done, Tiffany! Class 17, yet another fantastic half term-you have all worked so hard and make us very proud! Emilia Chapman, your art work has been fantastic-you have such a talent and make us so proud-well done, Emilia!


This week’s focus was ‘to know how to help themselves and others when they feel upset or hurt’. We are a caring bunch and that has been obvious during discussions about this topic.

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Emmy-Eve Bell, you always know the kindest words to say-well done, Emmy! Birsen Aksoy, you use the Zones of Regulation to show your feelings-well done, Birsen! Sofia Ball, you always offer a hug or kind word when someone is feeling upset-well done, Sofia!

Year 2: Lily Shakesby, you brought a friend to an adult when they were hurt-well done, Lily! Fraser McLaughlin, you calm your friends when they are sad-well done, Fraser!

Year 3: Amelia Anderson, you are always there to help your friends when they need you-well done, Amelia! Elzbieta Nayir, you are a great friend and are always there for anyone is is hurt or upset-well done, Elzbieta!

Year 4: Benjamin Nicholson, you can identify ways to help yourself and others when needed, using the Zones of Regulation! Hollie Patterson, you can suggest ways to get your friends back into the green zone-well done, Hollie!

Year 5: Kasey-Ann Swalwell, you are a kind and considerate friend who cares for others-well done, Kasey-Ann! Lilley Addison, you are such a kind young lady and you go out of your way to help others-well done, Lilley!

Year 6: Archie McKenzie, you are a kind young man and give great suggestions on how to help others-well done, Archie! Krystal Towle, you are such a kind friend that makes sure everyone is happy-well done, Krystal! Jayden Isherwood, you knew how to cheer up your friend who was angry and upset-well done, Jayden!

Head Teacher Shout Out!


This week’s winners are Class 11 with 97.9% Well done Class 11!


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