Rewards 17th June 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Asiah Newton, you are so smiley when sharing your stories and you’ve made everyone smile this week-well done, Asiah! Miles McBurnie, you try your best in everything and we are so proud-well done, Miles! Faith Watson, you have tried so hard this week and are an absolute super star-well done, Faith!

Year 2: Lucas brown, you have tried so hard to use expression when reading this week-well done, Lucas! Nour Sharaf, you are always a kind and caring friend to everyone-well done, Nour!

Year 3: All of Year 3, you were all amazing on our trip and represented our school brilliantly-well done everyone!

Year 4: Riley Whitfield, you always try your best in literacy lessons and you’re always looking for ways to improve your work-well done, Riley! Alfie Duke, your imaginative description of the witches from Macbeth was amazing-well done, Alfie!

Year 5: Lexie Johnson, you are such a happy, kind and caring member of our school; you are an all round super star-well done, Lexie! Lily Brewis, this is for just being you! You always try your best and are such a happy and friendly member of our school-well done, Lily!

Year 6: Hollie Russell, you have tried so hard this week and you have been such a supportive super star-well done, Hollie! Ahmed Alderi, your acting during our Shakespeare topic has been wonderful-well done, Ahmed!


This week’s focus was ‘to be able to express how you feel when change happens’. We know changes happen all the time and every feeling we get is perfectly normal: it’s what we do with that feeling that really matters.

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Stevie-Jo Ross, you asked amazing questions about moving into year 2-well done, Stevie-Jo! Dante McHenry, you try to solve problems yourself on the yard-well done! Ronnie Green, you use the Zones of Regulation to talk about your feelings-well done, Ronnie!

Year 2: Aleksy Staniszweski, you have been an amazing big brother to your new baby-well done, Aleksy! Broden Newton, you are very excited to start year 3-well done, Broden!

Year 3: Tommy Lusby, you are so helpful with others going through changes-well done, Tommy! Corey Davies, you handle change beautifully and so maturely, well done-Corey!

Year 4: Hollie Pattison, you always have a mature attitude towards change-well done, Hollie! Leah Reynolds, you understand lots of different emotions and can express these too-well done, Leah!

Year 5: Fletcher Murphy, you always show resilience and adapt to new situations-well done, Fletcher! Daniel Smith, you are always ready to adapt the way you think and act when things change-well done, Daniel!

Year 6: Chanelle Hall, you are handling massive changes so maturely-well done, Chanelle! Marcus Anderson, you have been really in tune with your emotions and have some great strategies in place to help you-well done, Marcus! Alanah Robson, you can talk about changes and you can offer support to others too-well done, Alanah!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

All of Show Club have massively impressed Mr Robson this week after their trip to The Empire. Your performance was amazing and you were all brilliant ambassadors for our school-well done all of you! Nylah Hopper in nursery impressed Mr Robson with her beautiful handwriting when she wrote her name and her friends’ names too! Well done Nylah you little star!


This week’s winners are Class 4 with 97.3% Well done Class 4!


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