Rewards 24th June 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Rocco Foot, you showed fantastic effort completing our assault course outside this week, well done! Daniel Ilori, you have tried so hard this week with your letter formation, well done! Cassius King, you have tried really hard this week with your seaside creations, they have been amazing well done! Harry Redwin, you have been so confident this week answering questions and joining in at group times, well done!

Year 1: all of year 1, you have been so amazing and we are so proud of you all-well done everyone!

Year 2: all of year 2, you all behaved as brilliantly as always this week and we are so very proud! Well done everyone!

Year 3: Siana Middleton, this is for your effort and attitude towards your reading; you try so hard with your quizzes and you’re a star! Well done Siana! Rio Archer, your fact recall in topic lessons is amazing-well done, Rio!

Year 4: Aamari Armstrong, your effort in literacy has been amazing-well done, Aamari! Calum Kennedy, this is for simply being you! You are always well-behaved, hard-working and a pleasure to be around-well done, Calum!

Year 5: Logan Percy, you have been trying so hard in maths when converting mixed numbers into improper fractions-well done, Logan! Miss Foster and Mrs Beresford’s Maths Group, the hard work and determination you show in every maths lesson is amazing-you are all stars! Logan Crooks, you have worked so hard in maths this week when multiplying 4 digit numbers-well done, Logan! Stephen Carter, this is for your wonderful knowledge in geography when learning about coasts-well done, Steven!

Year 6: Lacey McCully, the actions you created to remember the 5 British Values is amazing-well done, Lacey! All of Year 6, you have been such amazing role models this week and you have made us all so very proud! Well done everyone!


This week’s focus was to understand and respect the changes you see in yourselves and we are great at supporting each other with this.

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Asiah Newton, you are so proud of yourself now that you are writing full sentences-well done, Asiah! Jackson Lawson-Sykes, you can discuss your changes in class and are very mature-well done, Jackson! Adam Alderi, you are so proud that you can now read and write independently-and so you should be-well done, Adam!

Year 2: Lucas Brown, you were very mature when sharing ideas this week-well done Lucas! April Williams, you were able to discuss how your body is changing-well done, April!

Year 3: Dahla Appleby, you always support and comfort your friends with changes-well done, Dahla!

Year 4: Amelia Longstaff, you have a very mature attitude and accept changes easily-well done, Amelia! Lacey Clark, you always understand changes in your life-well done, Lacey!

Year 5: Bayley Galer, you can talk about how you have changed and can say what you are looking forward to in year 6-well done, Bayley! Kenzie Phillips, you have talked confidently about your feelings towards moving year groups-well done, Kenzie!

Year 6: Amber Hopper, you have been so mature about changes that have happened recently and we are so proud of you! Lilly Keogh, you can see many changes in yourself and have many tools to help you-well done, Lilly!

Head Teacher Shout Out

Mr Robson has been so busy this week with our important visitors but is so very proud of everyone in school. The OFSTED inspectors have said our children are wonderful and you should all be very proud of yourselves! Everyone has been amazing this week and shown our visitors what an amazing bunch we really are-well done everyone!


This week’s winners are Class 13 with 97.5% Well done Class 13!


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