Rewards 8th July 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Emmy-Eve Bell, your work in maths has been excellent-you have tried your best when representing numbers with dienes-well done, Emmy! Sofia Ball, this is for simply being you-you are wonderful! Well done Sofia! Adam Oliver, your reading using set 1, 2 and 3 sounds was amazing-well done, Adam!

Year 2: Jeffrey Hunkokoe, your facts about The Great Fire of London were fabulous! Well done, Jeffrey! Paris Wiseman, you are always kind and helpful and your friends are so lucky to have you-well done, Paris!

Year 3: Carly Bewick, this is for just being you-you’re a wonderful member of our school and class 8-well done, Carly! Jesse Richardson, you are such a kind and caring friend-keep being you! Well done, Jesse!

Year 4: Luke Stothard, this is for the brilliant effort you put into your non-chronological report about Sunderland-well done, Luke! Lacey Clark, you were amazing when weightlifting-your technique was amazing! Well done Lacey!

Year 5: Kasey-ann Swalwell, your contributions in science when learning about the stages of the human life cycle were amazing-well done, Kasey-ann!

Year 6: Samanta Borsut and Tiffany Luckham, you were both amazing representatives of our school this week-you are both stars! Well done, Samanta and Tiffany! Marcus Anderson, for simply being you-you are an amazing young man and we are so very lucky to have you! Well done, Marcus!


Year 1: Lincoln Percy, you know when your friends are feeling nervous about moving to year 2 and know who to ask for help to support them-well done, Lincoln! Georgie Hylton, you treat everyone with respect and have such a caring attitude-well done, Georgie! Millie Glover, you always use kind and useful words with your friends-well done, Millie!

Year 2: Natalia Dinsdale, you know you can talk to your friends and teachers when you need to-well done, Natalia! Mia Pearson, you can talk when you’re worried about change-well done, Mia!

Year 3: Lukas Lawson-Sykes, you have discussed any worries you have with staff-very sensible Lukas-well done! Rochelle Anderson, you can confidently seek assurance from a familiar adult-well done, Rochelle!

Year 4: Alice Brown, you know who to turn to if you are uncertain about things-well done, Alice! Lola Richardson, you think carefully about things that worry you-well done, Lola!

Year 5: Logan Storey, you have asked some very sensible and mature questions about Year 6-well done, Logan!

Year 6: Connie Murphy, you have such a mature attitude and have great ways to help yourself if you are ever worried-well done, Connie! Tiffany Luckham, you not only know who to ask for help if you need it, you also are a great support to others too-well done, Tiffany!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has had another wonderful week and is especially proud of all the candidates for Head Boy and Head Girl. Theon, Deacon, Corey, Amy, Lilley, Alora, Evie, Lily, Jessica and Mia-you were all absolute credits to yourselves and we are immensely proud! Well done Year 5 representatives! Connie Murphy in Year 6 has also massively impressed with her 3rd place achievement in the national gymnastics competition-well done, Connie!


This week’s winners are Class 17 with 96.9% Well done Class 17!


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