Nursery Photos 2023-2024

Here are some of the fantastic things we have been learning this year…

The Very Hungry Caterpillar W/C 29.04.2024

In Nursery we have been learning all about the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have worked very hard to sequence the story of the Hungry Caterpillar and done some brilliant work on the lifecycle of a butterfly. In the provision we have took part in some tricky activities such as caterpillar repeated patterns using colours and number ordering to 10. Nursery have been brilliant at ordering the life cycle of a butterfly using different shaped pasta as representations. We have loved doing jigsaws together this week and worked hard in the art area to make pictures of all the important parts of the story. We also had a leaving party for Miss Smith and we tried all of the food that the Hungry Caterpillar had, sang danced and had fun on her last day.

Great Growing W/C 15.04.2024

In Nursery we have been learning all about the topic ‘Great Growing’ we have been learning all about what seeds need to grow. We planted our very own beans and worked very hard to look after them by giving them water and making sure they have light and warmth. We have enjoyed reading the books ‘Jaspers Beanstalk’ and ‘Errol’s Garden’ .  In our role play area we had our very own garden centre in which we sold lots of gardening equipment and things needed to grow things such as compost, seeds etc. We loved playing shop keepers in this. In the malleable area we have been using our senses to smelling and exploring the herbs in the playdough and using the playdough to create our own sculptures. In the creative area we have been carrying out observational drawings and paintings of different flowers and investigating the different parts of a flower. In our tuff tray we have been using the magnifying glasses to investigate the different parts of the plants. Aswell as learning all about plants growing we have also been learning about other things which grow such as ourselves.

World Art Day 15.04.2024

In Nursery we focused on the Artist Romero Britto for world Art day. We enjoyed learning all about his work and looking at examples of his work. In Nursery we are fantastic Artists, we worked hard to create our own art worked inspired by Romero Britto’s work. We had lots of fun making our artwork, it was very colourful !

Easter stay and play 27.03.24

Thankyou to all Parent/carers who attended our Easter stay and play in Nursery. We really appreciate the continued support. The children had such a lovely time showing you their Easter performance video. We enjoyed showing our parent/carers our classroom and playing in all areas of the provision together such as sharing stories in the reading corner, role playing in the home corner, constructing in the construction area, manipulating the play dough in the malleable area, and taking part in activities such as biscuit decorating, creating Easter headbands and Easter cards. We can’t wait for our next one already !


Nursery have been learning all about the Christian celebration Easter. We were very lucky as a special Visitor from the Holy Trinity church came into Nursery to teach us all about the ‘ Easter story’ and what Christians believe happened at Easter. We had lots of fun learning all about the story and taking part in fun activities such as songs, egg hunt, games on the I Pad , building, reading and lots more !. We have enjoyed taking part in different creative activities. We have also enjoyed exploring our Easter themed tuff trays. In Nursery we have enjoyed reading a range of different books, manipulating the playdough in the malleable area, playing maths games and exploring both the small world and construction areas . The children have enjoyed role playing in our home corner also. Brilliant work Nursery !

The chicks !

Nursery have had special visitors for the week, we have had chicks! Nursery have been learning all about the life cycle of a Hen. We have enjoyed watching the chicks hatch from the eggs in the incubator and growing stronger each day. We have made our teachers very proud as we have been so caring and gentle around our chicks when holding them. We have made some beautiful artwork to display in our art gallery and have worked super hard to create our own lifecycle displayed through our very own art work. Nursery have been practicing their cutting skills through cutting out pictures and ordering the lifecycle. We are so proud of your hard work !

Learning all about the Farm

Nursery have been learning all about Farms for the past 3 weeks. Throughout this time we have been learning all about different animals on the farm, the role of a farmer and the produce we use from the farm. We have also been learning all about the traditional tale ‘The three little pigs’. In Nursery we have enjoyed taste testing different produce from the farm .Nursery have also enjoyed role playing in our farm shop. Throughout the weeks we have read a range of different books both fiction and non fiction all about the farm. We have enjoyed building our own farms in the construction area and also playing with the farm figures in the small world. The Nursery children enjoyed learning all about animal habitats through the story the ‘ 3 little pigs’ we have done some fantastic learning all about habitats, the children have enjoyed using the junk modelling materials to build their own habitats and houses from the story. Nursery have been fantastic at retelling the story of the three little pigs using the props and masks to retell this. We have enjoyed exploring the different areas of the provision such as exploring  tuff trays, taking part in a range of different maths activities and also a range of farm themed craft and mark making activities. The children worked hard to create their mothers day farm themed cards and gifts also throughout this time. Brilliant work Nursery !

Red Nose day 15.03.2024

Our School have been raising money for comic relief. In Nursery we raised £19.50 for the charity. We wore non uniform and had lots of fun designing red noses and decorating biscuits.

Our Trip to the farm 14.03.2024

Nursery have been on a trip to the Sunderland educational farm. We had lots of fun meeting the animals and learning all about the role of a farmer. We made our teachers very proud we were all so kind and caring with the animals, and we were so brave when holding and feeding them ! Nursery have been working very hard at school learning all about farms so this trip was the perfect way to end such a fun and enjoyable topic !

World Book day 08.03.2024

On Friday the 8th of March our school celebrated world book day. All staff and students dressed as their favourite story book character. We had so much fun reading lots of different stories throughout the day and decorating our own book marks. We enjoyed showing our costumes off to our class friends and teachers in a cat walk and discussing our favourite books.

Valentines Day 14.02.2024

In Nursery we have been learning all about the Celebration Valentines day. We have enjoyed learning about the different ways Valentines day is celebrated and the meaning of Valentines day. In Nursery we made Valentines cards and we also made love potions in the water tray. Nursery had lots of fun exploring different colours this week through our story ‘ What colour is love ?’ We have enjoyed learning all about Valentines and the traditions of the celebration.

Shrove Tuesday 13.02.2024

Nursery have been learning all about the Christian Celebration Shrove Tuesday. We have enjoyed learning all about Pancakes and how they are made. We enjoyed making our very own pancakes and eating them, they were delicious ! We enjoyed a range of toppings also. We made playdough pancakes we also made pancakes in the kitchen in our role play area. Nursery have enjoyed reading stories such as ‘Mr wolves Pancake’ and ‘The Runaway Pancake’ In Nursery we have also been learning all about lent.

Chinese New Year W/C 05.02.2024

In Nursery we have been learning all about the festival Chinese New Year. We have enjoyed this topic very much and have had lots of fun learning all about the History and traditions of the festival. In PE we have been learning and performing a dragon dance like the dragon dancing we have seen on videos at the Parade. We have enjoyed taste testing different Chinese foods such as noodles, prawn crackers, fortune cookies, egg fried rice and a range of sauces such as sweet and sour, sweet chilli and curry sauce, it was delicious ! We made our very own red envelopes we lay them out on the table at Nursery and when we returned the next day they had Golden coins inside ! We have enjoyed role playing in our Chinese restaurant, taking orders and cooking the dishes in the kitchen, we even  tried very hard to use chopsticks they were tricky but we tried our best. In Nursery have enjoyed learning all about the Story of Chinese new year and the animal race, we have  retold the story using puppets and small world animals figures. Nursery took part in Lunar New year cosmic kids yoga, and online games such as dragon number ordering and Lunar new year Jigsaws. This topic has been so much fun and we have really enjoyed celebrating the Year of the Dragon together in Nursery.

People who help us w/c 22.01.2024

In Nursery we have been learning all about ‘people who help us’ we have enjoyed learning all about this topic and meeting some everyday superheroes throughout the past 2 weeks. We have had lots of fun role playing different professions such as fire fighters, police officers, Doctors/Nurses and Vets in the role play area. We have enjoyed reading a range of both fiction and non fiction books all about different jobs that people do. We have been thinking all about the jobs we would like to have when we are older also. We enjoyed taste testing different foods which would be sold in a Bakery such as scones and doughnuts which was a featured job role in our story ‘All through the night’ The children have worked hard to match the correct uniforms and vehicles to the correct occupation. Throughout the past 2 weeks we have also been focusing on different jobs that work through the night such as mid wives, security guards, police officers etc. Nursery have enjoyed meeting and having discussions with the Dentist , Doctor, Police officer and mid wife who came into our setting to speak to us all about their job role. 

Winter and Stickman w/c 08.01.2024

In Nursery we have been learning all about the season Winter. In particular we have been reading and learning all about the story ‘Stickman’. We have enjoyed reading and retelling this story. Throughout the continuous provision the children have participated in a range of different activities. We enjoyed carrying out a science experiment in which we froze and then melted our winter animals and our stickmen. In the creative area we made our very own stickmen using real sticks from outside and attached them by using string to which we then added eyes to help our stick man to see. Some of us also made transient art stickmen by placing our sticks and other objects down on paper without sticking them down. We have also been learning all about what items of clothing we wear throughout the Winter season and which part of the body we wear them on. At the end of the week we made our very own chocolate edible stickmen using mini rolls and match makers they were delicious !

Christmas Pyjama day 19.12.2023

A visit from Frosty 18.12.2023

In Nursery we have had a special visitor sent by Santa Claus to visit us. His name is Frosty the snowman ! Frosty delivered a special present to us from Santa Claus which we got to take home, he also made a special appearance at our Christmas party and on Christmas jumper day to join us for hot chocolate.

Singing square Competition winners !

Nursery Participated in the whole school singing square competition. We had lots of fun performing our routine in front of the whole school, we were so brave and we made our teachers very proud. We sang, danced and made our very own elf hats ! Nursery were so fantastic that we took home the award for ‘Singing square winners 2023’ we received a certificate and a hamper full of special treats. Well done to each and every single one of you ! A huge shout out to Bluebelle Eris who received an award from the judges for ‘ most enthusiastic singer’ . You all made us very proud.

A visit from ‘The Holy Trinity’ Church

Nursery have been learning all about the bible story the ‘Story of Christmas’. We were super lucky to have a special visitor from the Holy Trinity Church come into our classroom to teach us all about the story and we took part in lots of activities such as; coloring, reading stories, watching videos, playing with small world figures and dressing up ! We had lots of fun and our visitor was very impressed with our knowledge on the Christmas story.

Our Parent workshop

In Nursery we invited our Parents/carers to join us for a morning and afternoon of fun in our classroom. We took part in craft activities with our grown ups such as ; making Reindeer dust, Christmas wreathes, and reindeer baubles for our Christmas trees at home. We enjoyed showing our parent/carers our classroom and playing in all areas of the provision together such as sharing stories in the reading corner, role playing in the home corner, constructing in the construction area, manipulating the play dough in the malleable area, and colouring in Christmas pictures in our mark making area. We even had a photo booth room ! Our parents/carers enjoyed watching our recorded performance of our ‘Santa’s Elves’ routine. It was a lovely morning and afternoon. Thank you to all who attended.

Our Christmas Party

Nursery had so much fun at our EYFS Christmas party. Nursery and Reception came together for a fun filled party. We enjoyed dancing with our friends and playing games such as ; musical bumps, musical statues, corners, pass the elf and find the spot. We danced to Christmas music and wore our beautiful party clothes ! After the party we enjoyed party snacks and juice together with our teachers and friends. We have had a fantastic time !

Our Nursery trip

Nursery had so much fun on our trip to Washington Art Centre to see the Production’ A Town called Christmas’. Described as ‘ a place where gingerbread houses glow under twinkling fairy-lights, and chocolate coins are currency. Where the streets are filled with snow ball fights and laughter hangs like baubles in the air, the happiest place on earth’. We shared lots of laughter with our class friends and teachers it was a brilliant afternoon !

A visit from Santa Claus

Nursery have been so lucky that Santa Claus could come and visit us to read us a story during such a busy time for him. We had lots of fun telling Santa Claus what we would like for Christmas and we enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits whilst he read us a story ! We were all so excited.

Christmas Jumper day

Nursery have had lots of fun wearing our Christmas Jumpers in school. We have had lots of fun colouring in and designing our own jumpers. Nursery also played games online where we designed our own jumpers with different patterns and colours. We enjoyed hot chocolate together and the the 30 hour children enjoyed their Christmas dinner.

The Christmas story w/c 27.11.2023

This week Nursery have been learning all about the ‘Christmas Story’ from the Bible. We have enjoyed reading a range of books, also watching videos of the story. We have used props such as puppets, masks and figures to retell and act out the story. In the role play area we have enjoyed dressing up and acting out scenes and events from the story. Nursery have been using both the construction and malleable area to build stables. In the malleable area also manipulating the dough to create birthday cakes for Jesus. We have been working hard on our cutting skills to create pictures of the stable and used a range of resources in the creative area to make our own creations.

Diwali w/c 20.11.2023

This week Nursery have been learning all about Diwali, the Hindu festival of light. We have enjoyed learning all about the traditions of the celebration. We have been learning all about the story of Rama and Sita and retelling the story using props. Nursery have enjoyed making their own Rangoli patterns using rice, sand and powder paint. Throughout the week we had our very own feast ! we tried some of the foods eaten on Diwali such as Pakoras, Bhajis and Samosas. We made our very own Diya lamps and designed our own mehndi patterns. We have also had lots of fun listening and dancing to Hindu music and learning some of the dance moves. Nursery have enjoyed learning all about Diwali and the traditions of the celebration.

Nursery Rhyme week W/C 13.11.2023

This week has been national nursery rhyme week. The 5 key nursery rhymes we have been learning are ; Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Jack and Jill, Hickory Dickory Dock, Row, Row, Row your boat and the wheels on the bus. We have sang the songs, read stories, acted them out and even counted using our nursery rhymes. PE was also lots of fun as we used our bodies to move in time to the songs.

Children in need 17.11.2023

Nursery have been helping support the Charity Children in need. The children dressed in their own clothes and/or Pudsey and Blush themed clothing and accessories. Donations were brought into school to go towards the charity. We took part in Pudsey related activities and had lots of fun ! We learned all about the charity and the work they do. In Nursery we raised £11.65 to go towards the whole school donation.

Odd sock day 13.11.2023

Nursery took part in odd sock day with the whole school. It is a day when schools come together to show that it is ok to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination. The children and staff have given out hearts for acts of kindness to hang onto our kindness tree. This week Cole Jones and Nadine Dagless received the most kindness hearts on the tree and have won a certificate, well done Cole and Nadine !


This week Nursery have been learning all about Remembrance day. We have been learning all about the soldiers and animals who fought in the war and who continue to serve our country today. We have been making our own poppies and learning all about what the poppy symbolises. Nursery have been role playing in the hospital to help the wounded and injured soldiers, we have been dressing up as soldiers, nurses and doctors. In the exploration tray we have been exploring different objects, images and key words to help us learn all about the war. We have decorated poppy biscuits, also made poppies in the playdough. In the small world we have been building statues and monuments and role playing with the soldiers and army figures building trenches. We have enjoyed learning all about the history of the war and taking part in a 2-minute silence to show the soldiers how grateful we are.

Bonfire night

This week Nursery have been learning all about the celebration Bonfire night and the history and traditions of this celebration. Nursery have been learning all about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. We have been creating our very own firework drawings using chalk and have been mark making patterns in the sand. Nursery have enjoyed making their very own chocolate sparklers with the chocolate fingers, icing and sprinkles. We have also enjoyed making our very own firework toast exploring a range of colours and patterns. In the reading area we have enjoyed a range of books all about Bonfire night and enjoyed taking part in firework themed counting activities.


Nursery have been learning all about the celebration Halloween. We have been learning all about the History of the celebration and Halloween traditions. We have enjoyed learning all about the story ‘Room on the broom’ Nursery have been making potions and casting spells in the role play area. We have enjoyed dressing up in Halloween costumes, making Halloween crafts and exploring the Halloween themed playdough, tuff tray and finger gym area. In Nursery we have read a range of both fiction and non fiction books and used the story props to retell the story of Room on the broom.

The 5 senses

In Nursery we have been learning all about our 5 senses. We have enjoyed taste testing different foods and describing how they taste. We have taken part in Autumn sound walks and activities where we have listened closely to the different sounds we may hear during the autumn period such as wind, rain, windchimes, birds etc. In Nursery we have used our sense of smell in the playdough area where we had cinnamon scented playdough with different herbs to explore their smells. We have used our sense of touch and sight to see and feel different autumn objects in our Autumn feel bag and tuff tray. We also went outside and used our sense of sight to collect autumn treasures and to see different signs of Autumn such as spider webs, leaves etc.

Working Systematically day 20.10.2023

We took part the school math day in which we worked ‘systematically’ to solve problems and work together. We played games such snakes and ladders, using our resilience to solve number jigsaws, read number books and used the number magnets to order numbers.

Autumn and Harvest

In Nursery we have been learning all about the Season of Autumn. We have enjoyed exploring the Autumn themed tuff tray, taking part in autumn counting activities, also reading a range of books both fiction and nonfiction. In the creative area we have been drawing, colouring, painting and collaging autumn pictures. We have used our 5 senses which we have been learning about to take part in an Autumn walk where we found lots of autumn treasures and listened to the different sounds of autumn. Within this topic we have also been learning all about the Harvest festival celebration. Nursery have enjoyed role playing in our farm shop where we have sold produce such as different fruits and vegetables to celebrate Harvest. We also took part in the school Festivals celebration and displayed all of our Harvest work to the rest of the school! We have enjoyed playing in the small world area with the combined Harvester, tractors and other farm vehicles. Nursery have had lots of fun learning all about Harvest and Autumn. We have enjoyed singing and dancing to the Harvest festival songs and making a music video to our dingle dangle scarecrow song to show the school!

Hello Yellow Day 10.10.2023

Today we have been learning all about the Hello Yellow Campaign for World Mental Health Day and been participating in activities to help support Young Minds Charity in raising awareness.

Space Week

This week has been Space week in School and we have been learning all about people in Space. Nursery have enjoyed reading the book “Whatever, next” and retelling the story in the home corner using props such as wellies, colanders, and carboard boxes to retell the story and use our imagination to pretend we are astronauts. Not forgetting our moon picnic, just like in the story with honey sandwiches, biscuits and apple, it was delicious! We have enjoyed reading a range of both fiction and non-fiction books in the reading area. Nursery used google earth to explore and learn all about the Planet we live on. We have had so much fun watching videos of astronauts in space and the way they live and eat in space without gravity! In PE we took part in an astronaut assault course. We practiced our moon walking and had so much fun doing this. We got messy making our very own moon rock, using, flour, water, glitter and paint, we baked them in the oven and the went from being soft and gloopy to hard as (moon) rocks! We used small hammers to break them apart. We have enjoyed building rockets in the construction area, exploring the space themed tuff tray, making stars and planets in the playdough area, also using 3D shapes and paint to print our own rockets.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

In Nursery we had so much fun making and eating our own food for our Gruffalo tea party in aid of Macmillan Coffee morning. In Nursery we raised £33.05 for the Charity. We enjoyed taste testing all the different foods such as ‘Gruffalo Crumble’ ‘Scrambled snake’ ‘Roasted Fox’ sandwiches and chocolate ‘log pile house’ We enjoyed listening to the Gruffalo songs and talking to all our friends and teachers. We had such a lovely time.

The Gruffalo

In Nursery we have been focusing on the book ‘ The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson. We have had lots of fun preparing for our Gruffalo tea party. We have also enjoyed exploring the Gruffalo themed tuff tray to role play and retell the story. The Gruffalo costumes have been so much fun , Nursery have loved dressing up as the Gruffalo and retelling the story. We have enjoyed taking part in our Gruffalo counting activities, and various creative activities. Aswell as learning all about the Characters and events in the story we have also been focusing on houses and how the animals within the story all live in different habitats and how they are different to the houses we live in.

Marvellous me !

This week In Nursery we have been focusing on the topic ‘ Marvellous me ‘ . We have been learning all about our different body parts and their functions. Nursery have enjoyed singing the song ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ whilst doing all of the actions to match. We have also been looking at the zones of regulation and learning all about our emotions and feelings. We have enjoyed exploring the emotion stones and recreating these emotions. We have enjoyed using the playdough to create facial features and placing them on the playdough mats. Nursery have also used the tap tap boards to create faces and develop our fine motor skills. In class we have been learning about our family members. We have enjoyed drawing pictures of our families in the writing area and also role playing in the home corner using the dolls and other props to support our narrative.

Settling into Nursery

We have had so much fun in our first two weeks at Nursery. We have enjoyed settling in and exploring all the new areas of our classroom, as well as making lots of new friends! We have enjoyed using the creative area to paint our own self-portraits. Throughout the past two weeks we have enjoyed constructing and building different models in the construction area, as well as role playing in the home corner, manipulating the playdough to create sculptures and reading lots of lovely books in the reading area. Nursery have had lots of fun exploring our new outdoor provision, we love the sandpit and have enjoyed playing ring games in the ball area.

Welcome to Nursery

We have had so much fun meeting all our new Nursery friends and Teachers. We have been introduced to our new key worker groups, the Penguins and the Polar Bears. We can’t wait to make memories together this year !