Rewards 16th December 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Chijioke Nnaji, you have had an amazing week-well done! Lucas Jones, you always try your best and always follow the school rules-well done!

Year 2: Millie Glover, you have had another fantastic week making the right choices-well done! Oleado Abasirim, your sewing was amazing and your owl looks wonderful-well done! Asiah Newton, you have been an amazing member of our school and we are going to miss you but your new school are so lucky to have you! Dainton Templeton, you have had a fantastic week in school and you always think of others before yourself-well done!

Year 3: Broden Newton and Alesky Stanizewski, you have both been wonderful members of our school and we are going to miss you-your new schools are so lucky to have you!

Year 4: Siana Middleton, you were an absolute superstar wjen taken on stage at the panto-oh yes you were! Well done! Rio Archer, this is for your fabulous dance moves on the Sunderland Empire Stage-well done! Aj Harrison, you were a great sport when you went on the stage during the panto-well done!

Year 5: All of Year 5, you have had a wonderful first term and we are so impressed! Well done everyone! Riley Whitfield, you have been an amazing pupil in our school and we are really going to miss you-your new school are so lucky to have you!

Year 6: Well done all of you for a fantastic first term in year 6-you are all amazing!


Year 1: Nyah Lee Wright, you are always kind to everyone-well done! Esamay Stobbart, you are always kind and caring to your friends-well done!

Year 2: Layla Newton, you recognise what makes us different makes us special-well done! Alisha Smith, you accept everyone’s similarities and differences-well done! Emily Cruickshanks, you always think of your friends-well done!

Year 3: All of Year 3, you are so kind and considerate towards each other-we are very proud!

Year 4: Carly Bewick, you always know what to say to cheer your friends up-well done! James Short, you are so mature and fully accept that everyone is different-well done!

Year 5: All of Year 5, you are all so accepting and tolerant of each other-well done!

Year 6: All of Year 6, you are the most amazing year group and so lovely to each other-well done all of you!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Absolutely everyone in school has impressed this week-you have all been so amazingly behaved and those of you who have been on a trip-you were amazing ambassadors for our school-well done all of you!

We would like to thank all of our families for your continuing support this year-we hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous new year!


This week’s winners are Class 10 with 96.1% Well done Class 10!


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