Rewards 3rd February 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Cayson Stubbs, your writing in RWI has been amazing-well done! Charlie Edmonds, this is for simply being you! You always try your best and make everyone smile-thank you!

Year 2: Kevan Garand, you have had a fantastic first week in year 2-well done! Amber Bell, you have had a great week in school, trying your best and listening carefully-keep it up!

Year 3: Paris Wiseman, your expression when reading was fantastic-well done! Gracie McBride, your symmetry work in maths was great-you worked hard to find all of the possibilities-well done!

Year 4: Darcy Wilkinson, you always try your best in class-well done! Aston Burlinson, you wrote a brilliant persuasive speech about why you should be pupil of the year-well done!

Year 5: Lucas Hubbert, your knowledge about the moon in science was wonderful-well done! Isabella Dickson, your concentration in art was wonderful and you should be really proud of your work-well done!

Year 6: Harley Leadbitter, you are trying so hard again this week -you are an absolute star and we are so proud! Corey Clark, you are working really hard in literacy and we are so excited to read your next piece of writing-well done!


This week’s focus was to have a positive attitude and we know this can sometimes be hard-especially if the work is difficult but we help each other through and are really supportive-keep it up all of you!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Lucas Jones, you always give 100% in every task-well done! Darci Mae Lee, you work hard in everything you do-well done!

Year 2: Hasan Zamel, you have such a strong love for learning and are always so enthusiastic-well done! Emily Cruikshanks, you were a fantastic leader in our Jigsaw challenge-well done!

Year 3: Fraser McLaughlin, you have a positive attitude to all areas of school life-well done! Jeffrey Hunkokoe, you always brighten everyone’s day with your positive attitude about everything! Well done!

Year 4: Amelia Anderson, you are a hardworking girl who always has a sile for everyone-well done! Tommy Lusby, you can explain the importance of having a positive attitude-well done!

Year 5: Leah Reynolds, you always try hard in everything you do-well done! Alisha Drinkald, you always have a positive attitude to your work-well done!

Year 6: Bayley Galer, you are a ray of sunshine that cheers everyone up-thank you! Eleanor Jackson, you are so positive throughout the school day-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson was tricked this week and he was so impressed that Bahar Fars, Lacey Clark and Larna Scott were able to write excellent letters as to why they were late for school-well done girls!


This week’s winners are Class 15 with 95% Well done Class 15!


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