Rewards 16th February 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Hunter Smith, you have had such a fantastic week in school-well done and keep it up! Esamay Stobbart, you were amazing during our art sessions and answered questions using lovely vocabulary-well done!

Year 2: Layla Newton, you are trying so hard to count in steps of 2 to 20-well done! Freya Rainton, this is for simply being you! You make us smile every day! Mariya Elsayed, you never give up when things get tricky-well done!

Year 3: Lola Smith, you created a fantastic informative sign for our outdoor area and you used your own time and initiative to make it-well done! Ruby Jurdison, you have been putting 100% into your Accelerated Reader quizzes-well done!

Year 4: Mason Loades, you have tried really hard in literacy this week and your work has been amazing! Mrs Seaman and Waddell’s Maths Group, your multiplication work and recall of the 8x table was fabulous-you are all superstars!

Year 5: Henry Gowland, your contributions in our geography lessons has been amazing-well done! Calum Kennedy, your discussion text in literacy was fabulous-well done!

Year 6: Jae Gladstone, you have been a delight to have in class and always put 100% into everything-well done! Blake Birch, this is for simply being you! Your attitude and effort in lessons has blown me away-well done!


This week’s focus was to work hard to achieve your own dreams and goals-this is so important as we are all guilty of neglecting our own needs and focusing on the needs of others but we have had some excellent discussions this week about why we need to focus on ourselves too-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Mmasinachi Abasirim, you have been an amazing perfect partner and you have been trying your very best in RWI-well done! Linden Proctor, you have been trying hard to perfect your name writing-well done!

Year 2: Nikodem Turas, you always try your best in everything you do-well done! Jeremiah Odia, you’ve been determined to improve your writing and you wrote an amazing story too-keep it up! Carson King, you have tried so hard in your writing this week-well done!

Year 3: Leilah Smith, you have increased your confidence and were amazing when you showed off your singing talent-well done!

Year 4: Olivia Kennedy, you are great at reflecting on what you have already achieved-well done! Charlie James, you always give 100% in everything you do-well done!

Year 5: Leah Reynolds, you always put 100% into everything you do-well done! Jenny Fenwick, you have worked hard to master multiplication and division-well done!

Year 6: Stephen Carter, you always put 100% into everything you do-you are a star! Blake Birch, you have a wonderful attitude to learning in ALL lessons-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Jaden Doran massively impressed this week with his character description of the Highwayman in role as Bess-it had lots of figurative language in and was fabulous-well done! Theia Wallace drew a wonderful self-portrait and blew our socks off-you certainly are an artist in the making!

We would just like to take the opportunity to say thank you again to all of our wonderful children and families-we really appreciate the support you give ourselves and your children. Have a lovely half term and we cannot wait to see all of your smiling faces after the holiday!


This half term’s overall winners are Class 5 with 97.4% They also won this week’s attendance with 100% Well done Class 5-enjoy your McDonalds!


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