Rewards 31st March 2023

This week’s Merit Certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Deacon Templeton, you have had such an amazing week-well done! Zoe Oghenovo, your first week at Southwick Primary has been wonderful-well done and welcome!

Year 2: Romaine Devlin, this is for simply being you-you are a delight to teach and always give 100% Well done! Ava Dempster, you have such a caring and thoughtful attitude to your friends and helped them when the ducklings came to visit-well done! Kevan Gerand, you always try your best and strive to make us feel proud of your work-which we always are-well done!

Year 3: Chu Chu, you have had a fantastic half term and have made us all so very proud-well done! Ivan Glover, you are a ray of sunshine and always make us smile-well done!

Year 4: Mason Loades, you wrote a brilliant persuasive advert for your Easter Cake and we would certainly buy it-well done! Harry Brown, your detailed sketch in the style of LS Lowry impressed everyone-well done!

Year 5: Hollie Patterson, you have been a superstar writer this week and produced some wonderful work-well done! Luke Stothard, this is for your amazing vocabulary in literacy-what a star!

Year 6: Kenzie Phillips, your attitude and enthusiasm is wonderful and your progress in all lessons is soaring as a result-well done! Jae Gladstone, your confidence and resilience in our swimming lessons is wonderful and you are doing amazingly well-keep it up!


This week’s focus was to know how to be a good friend and keep healthy friendships. We have had some wonderful discussions across the school in our Jigsaw lessons this week, demonstrating everyone’s amazing knowledge-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw Certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Adalyn Forster, you always know how to cheer up your friends-well done! Lilly-Rose Harding, you are such a kind friend to everyone-well done!

Year 2: Lincoln Percy, you are such a kind friend and always think of others-well done! Jason Ajayi, you always make all of our new friends feel welcome-well done! Sofia Ball, you are a kind and loving friend to everyone-well done!

Year 3: Sarah Turnbull, you are a fantastic friend inside and outside the classroom-well done! Lola Smith, you are ALWAYS an amazing friend to everyone in year 3-well done!

Year 4: Siana Middleton, you certainly know what it means to be a good friend-well done! Rio Archer, you are a great friend and you always make everyone feel welcome-well done!

Year 5: Oyindamola Akinola, you are always lovely to everyone you communicate with-well done! Jesse Ajayi, you helped and encouraged a friend with their work-well done!

Year 6: Lucas Jarvis, you are such a supportive friend that knows exactly what a healthy friendship is-you are amazing! Bayley Galer, you are such a kind and helpful friend who always cares for others-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out

Millie Glover made Mr Robson a chick in class this week and gave him it to put a huge smile on his face-he loved it Millie! Our entries into our Easter Bonnet competition (and there were over 70 of you) have massively impressed this week with the wonderful efforts you all went to. We had the best Easter Bonnet Parade that Southwick has ever seen-well done all of you!

We would like to thank all of our parents and carers for all of your continued support-we wish you all a Happy Easter and hope you have a lovely break!


This week’s winners are Class 5 with 94.5% Well done Class 5!

This term’s winners are Class 5 again with 93% Enjoy your treat and well done!


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