Rewards 12th May 2023

This week’s Merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Kayden Butler, your maths work has been amazing-you are a star! Well done! Effy Richardson, your answers in our science lessons was amazing-well done!

Year 2: Kevan Gerand, you have been useful and kind all week and your comments have made us smile-well done! Ava-Lilly Jurdison, you have developed an amazing understanding of fractions this week and your explanations are brilliant! Ayla Pennock, your Jigsaw and music work this week have been amazing-keep it up!

Year 3: Natalia Dinsdale, your work on time was amazing this week-well done! Jeffrey Hunkokoe, you brighten everyone’s day with your wonderful smile and great sense of humour-well done!

Year 4: Jason Pearson, your enthusiasm and thoughtful questions in our science lessons was amazing-well done! Kai Johnson, this is for your excellent effort and enthusiasm in reading-well done! Cory Davies, you have made great improvements in your attitude and behaviour this week-well done!

Year 5: Callum Kennedy, you always participate in class discussions and have super ideas-well done! The Year 5 Tag Rugby Teamm you were amazing when representing our school this week-you should all be very proud-well done!

Year 6: All of Year 6-your fantastic attitude and resilience this week has really impressed everyone-you have all been amazing and we are all so very proud-well done!


This week’s focus was to show respect in how we treat others. We had some amazing lessons and discussions on the importance of showing respect and it was so hard to choose our certificate winners this week-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Kitan Bakare, you are always kind and caring to your friends-well done! Maddison-Rose Hall, you are useful and kind to everyone-well done!

Year 2: Georgie Hylton, you always use your manners and kind words to everyone-well done! Amber Bell, you think about others as well as yourself-well done! David Briceag, you always play well and make sure your games are fair-well done!

Year 3: Lola Smith, you always respect everyone’s right to learn-well done! Ruby Jurdison, you are a fantastic partner in all lessons-well done!

Year 4: Charlie James, you are a great friend to everyone-well done! Ella Jenkins, you are kind and respectful at all times to everyone-well done!

Year 5: Lacey Clark, you are always considerate in the feelings of others-well done! Oyindamola Akinola, you are just an all round delight all of the time-well done!

Year 6: Harley Leadbitter, you are such a kind and lovely friend who always looks out for others-well done! Theon Luckham, you show respect in how you treat others and are one of the most respectful and kind boys ever! Well done Theon!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Year 6 have massively impressed everyone this week as they have shown how resilient and wonderful they truly are-everyone in school is so very proud of each and everyone of you-well done Year 6! Jayden Doran’s kind behaviour towards his peers has not gone un noticed this week-you are an absolutely fabulous young man Jayden and your friends are so lucky to have you!


This week’s winners are Class 15 (again!) with 98.8% Well done Class 15!


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