Rewards 16th June 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Lilah Haddock, this is for simply being you-you work hard every day-well done! Deacon Templeton, you gave lovely answers to our topic questions this week-well done!

Year 2: Gabriel Hunton, you have had a fantastic week in our school and have made lots of friends-well done! Maddox Ellison, you have had a fabulous week and tried your best in everything-well done! Miles McBurnie, this is for simply being you! You are such a kind and loving boy that makes everyone smile-well done!

Year 3: All of Year 3, you blew us all away with your knowledge and enthusiasm in our local area study-well done! Nour Sharaf, you have been such an amazing member of year 3 and we will muss you and your dancing so much!

Year 4: Jason Pearson, the effort you have put into improving your handwriting and presentation has been wonderful-well done! Rio Archer, you have been trying so hard to learn the recorder-well done!

Year 5: Youssef Hejazy, your enthusiasm when we were studying Macbeth was amazing-well done! All of Year 5-you represented our school brilliantly on your first swimming lesson-we are all very proud of you-well done!

Year 6: Lexi Lee, your attitude, effort and all round excellence has been wonderful throughout your time here-you are wonderful! Logan Crooks, your work in literacy this week was amazing-your description of the dark was great-well done! Jasie-Leigh Roberts, your sketches this week in art were fabulous; you carefully thought about the shape and proportion-well done! Mia Jarvis, your sketches in the style of Norman Cornish were amazing-well done!


This week’s focus was to express how you feel when change happens. We had some excellent discussions this week in class and you were all amazing!

Year 1: Lilly-Rose Harding, you can express how you feel about our day-well done! Mmashinachi Abasirim, you always share your thoughts and feelings-well done!

Year 2: Ayla Pennock, you can talk about how you feel about moving into year 3-well done! Sofia Ball, you can use the Zones of Regulation to communicate that change makes you nervous-well done! Mariya Elsayed, you can think of brilliant feelings words about yourself and others-well done!

Year 3: Jade Pearson, you are fantastic at discussing and identifying your feelings-well done! Chu Chu, you can express how you feel in different situations, especially with your songs-well done!

Year 4: Sonny Robins, you can reflect on how you feel about your transition to year 5-well done! Michael Graham, you were amazing at sharing the feelings you have when change happens-well done!

Year 5: Aamari Armstrong, you can identify when you feel worried about changes and also how to overcome these-well done! Isabella Dickson, you can identify your feelings and have strategies to help you deal with them-well done!

Year 6: Logan Addison, you are being mature and discussing possible changes for the comp. You are also seeking advice to help you-well done! Logan Storey, you are so excited for the next steps in your learning journey and you will be amazing!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Year 6 massively impressed us all this week when they were amazing ambassadors for our school. They went to The Beacon of Light for their Coals to Goals workshops and had a wonderful time-the feedback from staff at the venue was wonderful and we were real role models-well done all of you!


This week’s winners are Class 6 with 95.4% Well done Class 6!


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