Rewards 30th June 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Aliyah-Mae Dempster, you have been a superstar this week with our seaside topic-well done! Lily Coates, you have had an amazing week-well done!

Year 2: Christopher Azabuike, you have had a great week and have massively impressed with your questions and resilience-well done! Ronnie Green, you have had a great attitude to your learning this week-we are so proud! Adam Alderi, your handwriting and the pride you are taking in your work is amazing-well done!

Year 3: Steven Doran, you have made such good choices on the yard-well done! Ruby Jurdison, you are a pleasure to have in class and an absolute star-well done!

Year 4: Kai Johnson, your Spire Bridge in the style of Monet was amazing! Well done! Ansel Gerand, you always put 100% into your writing and always act upon feedback to improve your work-well done!

Year 5: Larna Scott, your discussions about changes in adulthood and old age were wonderful-well done! Dzesika Backevica, you are trying so hard when swimming and are really pushing yourself-keep it up!

Year 6: Jae Gladstone, your effort and enthusiasm in Geography this week was amazing-what a star! Everyone who went to Redhouse on transition this week-you were wonderful-well done!


This week’s focus was to understand and respect the changes you see in other people. We have had some wonderful discussions this week and these have proven that we are so very aware of everyone around us-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1:Kitan Bakare, you are always kind to all of your friends-well done! Isabella Gascoigne, you respect everyone-well done!

Year 2: Louie Clark, you can see when others are getting angry and help them back into the green zone-well done! Benjamin Knowlson, you understand everyone’s changes are unique-well done! Birsen Askoy, you understand and respect the changes you see in everyone-well done!

Year 3: Evah Dixon, your discussions in our Jigsaw lessons were amazing-well done! Gracie McBride, you can understand the changes in people are due to getting older-well done!

Year 4: Siana Middleton, you see and accept changes in everyone-well done! Aj Harrison, you always see the best in people-well done!

Year 5: Jenny Fenwick, you were so thoughtful and considerate when discussing sensitive topics-well done! Hollie Patterson, you are such a caring and kind friend-well done!

Year 6: Bayley Galer, you have made a wonderful impression on the staff and children in your new school-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Alora Wilson has massively impressed this week with her wonderful art work in the style of Norman Cornish-her sketching, proportion and shading were wonderful-well done Alora! Most of our year 6 children have been to their new school for transitions this week and were all wonderful ambassadors for our school-we are so proud of all of you-well done! Larna Scott and Jenny Fenwick supported some of our younger children in Nursery and were amazing! Well done girls!


This week’s winners are Class 11 with 95% Well done Class 11!


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