Rewards 7th July 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Nylah Foot, you were fantastic when supporting your team on sports day-well done! Renesmee Burlinson, you have been so thoughtful of other peoples’ feelings-well done!

Year 2: Harvey Stobbart, you were a fantastic helper at sports day-well done! Elizabeth Oloyede, your perseverance in health week and how you tried new things was amazing-well done!

Year 3: Ivan Glover, your dedication and enthusiasm for health week has been wonderful-keep it up-well done! Chu Chu Nnaji, you joined in so well with your friends on sports day and made us so proud-well done!

Year 4: Darcy Wilkinson, you were fearless on the climbing wall-you were amazing-well done! Frankie Rowe, you have been making the right choices to improve your behaviour-well done!

Year 5: Isabella Dickson, you asked some great questions at Stemfest-you made us so proud! Aamari Armstrong, you overcame your fears and showed great resilience on the climbing wall-we were so very proud-well done!

Year 6: Riley Wilkinson, your maths skills, resilience and level of challenge you set for yourself when making 8 was amazing-well done Riley!


This week’s focus was to ask for help if you’re worried about change. There is lots of change happening with new schools and thinking about new classes for next year but we all know who and where we can go for advice. Well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Scarlett Robins, you recognise when you need to talk about your feelings-well done! Taylor Lusby, you always know to check in with an adult-well done!

Year 2: Mariya Elsayed, you always ask important questions if you are worried-well done! Kevan Gerand, you always use the Zones to tell a grown up how you feel-well done!

Year 3: Jeffrey Hunkoe, you love to share big changes with your teachers and friends-well done! Natalia Dinsdale, you love going to Ladybirds Club to share with Mrs Laverick-well done!

Year 4: Mason Loades, you always vocalise your feelings-well done! Kalvin Dorothy, you understand who to speak to both in and out of school-well done!

Year 5: Lenny Love, you always help for support if you have a worry or concern-well done! Hollie Patterson, you always know to find advice from an adult if you need it-well done!

Year 6: Molly Skinner, you were amazing when asking questions about your transition to secondary school-well done! Lexi Lee, you know who to go to but also offer support to others-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Chu chu amazed everyone yesterday with his excellent effort in sports day-you were wonderful! The year 5 and 6 children who attended STEMFEST were wonderful ambassadors for our school this week-you were all amazing and we are so proud! The year 6 children who attended The Phoenix Project also wowed us-you were amazing ambassadors for our school-well done!



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