Rewards 8th September 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Class 3, you have all settled into year 1 so well-well done! Brian Awenlimobor, you have had an amazing start to our school-you are a star!

Year 2: Nyah Lee Wright, your writing about London was amazing-you are a star! Robert Roberts, you have made a fantastic and positive start to our school-well done! Class 6, you have had a fantastic start to year 2-well done!

Year 3: All of Year 3, we are all so proud of how you have settled into key stage 2-well done!

Year 4: Class 11, you have really impressed us with your hard work and attitude-well done! Eleora Awenlimobor, you have had a wonderful first week at our school and we are so lucky to have you!

Year 5: Lukas Lawson-Sykes, your careful observations in art were wonderful and you were a great partner too-well done! Class 14, an amazing first week in year 5-we are all so impressed-well done!

Year 6: Joshua, you have had a fantastic first week here at Southwick and we are so happy to have you-well done! Harry Arnold, you have had a great week at our school-well done!


This week’s focus was to make others feel welcome. We have all done an amazing job and welcomed each other back brilliantly!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Class 4, you have made our new class members feel so welcome-well done! Oliver Spurs, you included everyone in your play-well done!

Year 2: Class 5, you welcomed Robert into our class beautifully-well done! Class 7, you have greeted your new teachers with warmth and kindness-thank you! Taylor Lusby, you have been very kind to your new teachers-well done!

Year 3: All of year 3, you have really made your new teacher feel welcome-well done!

Year 4: Jenson Bates Whitfield, your kindness and gestures have made your teacher fell very welcome-thank you! Liyana Khoyer, you go out of your way to look after and welcome everyone-well done!

Year 5: Carly Bewick, you always have a smile on your face and that puts everyone at ease-well done! Class 14, you have all been so kind, friendly and welcoming this week-well done!

Year 6: Faith Davies, you made our new starters feel welcome-well done! Henry Gowland, you looked after the new children in our year group-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has been massively impressed with every single member of our school community (staff and children). He has had the best week and has had his socks blown off with everyone’s kindness and lovely gestures-well done everyone!


This weeks winners are Class 6 and Class 7-well done everyone!


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