Rewards 19th November 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Skylar Cornforth, you were an amazing mathematician when completing adittion calculations-well done! Iyla-May Bates-Whitfield, for your amazing addition work in maths-well done!

Year 2: Kayden Butler, you have had a wonderful week in school-well done! Daniel Nsirim, your vocabulary in our art lesson on pointillism was amazing-well done! Harper Harrison, your computer skills when creating your bar graph were amazing-well done!

Year 3: Kevan Garand, you come to school with a huge smile and a determined and enthusiastic attitude to succeed-well done! Jackson Lawson-Sykes, you have made brilliant progress with your swimming and were fantastic without arm bands-well done! Jeremiah Odia, you are a fantastic role model and always make the right choices-well done!

Year 4: Lola Smith and Mercy Osho, your performances of Twinkle, Twinkle on the glockenspiel were wonderful-well done! Farida Abouelnour, your dancing in PE was fabulous-you were amazing-well done!

Year 5: Dahla Appleby, your coding in computing was amazing-well done! Lukas Lawson-Sykes, your interset and questioning in history was wonderful-well done! Class 14, our discussions in history were amazing and we were so impressed with your knowledge-well done!

Year 6: Jenny Fenwick, this is for simply being you! You are a brilliant role model to everyone and a delight to have in class-well done! All of Year 6, you were fantastic representatives of our school on our visit to The Great North Museum, you are all amazing!


This week’s focus was to include others when working or playing and we do a wonderful job with this-you are a wonderful bunch and we are so lucky to be able to work with you all-well done!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to..

Year 1: Brian Awenlimobor, you treat everyone with respect and kindness-thank you, Brian! Dakota Lee, you make sure no-one is lonely at playtime-thank you!

Year 2: Oluwakonede Akinola, you always include your friends-well done! Ivy Love, you never make anyone feel lonely-well done! Rocco Foot, you are an excellent team player and perfect partner-well done!

Year 3: Sofia Ball, you always support others in class and help your friends reach their full potential-well done! Mariya Elsayed, you are always thoughtful and include others-well done! Harrison Wood, you always let people play with you in the sandpit-well done!

Year 4: Joe Armstrong, you are a kind and considerate friend-well done! Paris Wiseman, you include eveyone at all times and are so considerate-well done!

Year 5: Jesse Richardson, you were a great help to your friends during our tricky computing lesson-well done! Rio Archer, you are always such a good friend to your peers-well done!

Year 6: Amara Miah, you are such a kind, considerate and lovely young lady-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Year 6 impressed this week when they were wonderful ambassadors on their visit to The Great North \museum-well done all of you! Jenson Bates-Whitfield and Natalia Dinsdale in year 4 were amazing at column subtraction with decomposition-well done both of you!



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