Rewards 1st December 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Afolabi Bakare, your enthusiasm when finding related facts in maths was excellent-well done! Rio Spencer, you have been working hard to join in and follow the school rules-well done!

Year 2: Lucas Jones, you are an amazing friend and always try your hardest-well done! Charlie Edmonds, your letter formation in RWI is amazing and we are so proud-well done! Dennijoe Rochester, you are so enthusisatic about our Nativity and are the best goat ever!

Year 3: Kira Richardson, you are a fantastic musician and your glockenspiel skills are amazing-well done! Harvey Stobbart, this is for simply being you! You are a kind and caring boy and we are so very lucky to have you-well done! Kye Barker-Roberts, you have tried so hard with your handwriting and teh presentation of your work-well done!

Year 4: Liyana Khoyer, your sharing of knowledge about Islam in RE was wonderful-you shared so much fabulous information about your religion and we all learned so much-thank you! Chuchu Nnaji, your independent playing of Hot Cross Bns on the chime bars was amazing-you are a star!

Year 5: Elzbieta Nayir, for your amazing literacy homework. You put so much effort into your diary entry detailing a night in an Anderson shelter. Layad Magure, for your scientific thinking during our lesson on friction. Well done!

Year 6: Lexy Nichol, your amazing letter in role as a soldier in WWI was fabulous-well done!


This week’s focus was to use kind words. This is so important as we know words can hurt and we all had brilliant suggestions in our Jigsaw sessions-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw Certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Jafar Zamel, you always compliment your friends and teachers and make them feel good-well done! Isaac Watson, you always give respect and kindness to everyone-well done!

Year 2: John-James Gillespie, you complimented your friends’ singing and drawings-well done! Payge Galer, you are always positive and kind to everyone-well done! Bella Stead, you always try your best to make your friends smile-well done!

Year 3: Mariya Elsayed, you always think about what you say before you say it-well done! Kira Richardson, you are always a kind friend and make people smile with your kind words-well done! Ayla Pennock, you are always kind and cheer everyone up-well done!

Year 4: Lola Smith, you are a kind and caring friend that loves to help others-well done! Sarah Turnbull, you use kind words to everyone in school. You are a true role model and we are very proud-well done!

Year 5: Ella Jenkins, you are always a lovely and kind friend to everyone. Daniel Azubuike, you are such a kind and supportive class mate to your peers.

Year 6: Harley Jeffrey, you are a respectful and kind young man who is considerate to others-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Bryony Anderson, Bahar Fars and Jack Robinson have massively impressed this week as they clear the gymnastics equipment away like professionals after their PE lessons-well done all of you!


This week’s winners are Class 5 with 97.8% Well done everyone!


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