Rewards 8th March 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: All of Year 1, your attitude and behaviour was brilliant during our visit to Monkwearmouth Academy-you were all amazing-well done!

Year 2: Harry Redwin, you have been working so hard to improve your writing-well done! Zoe Oghenovo, you used past and present tense beautifully to write your postcard-well done! Isabella Gascoigne, your rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the ocarina was amazing-well done!

Year 3: Mounish Yembadi, your creative balances and movements in our gymnastics lesson had us all massively impressed-well done! Mirabel, you have had a fantastic first week at Southwick and we are so lucky to have you-well done!

Year 4: Lily Shakesby, you are a super star and always try your best in all lessons-well done! Natalia Dinsdale, your effort and enthusiasm in all lessons has been amazing-you are a star!

Year 5: Rio Archer, your effort and enthusiasm during our acting workshop at the Live Theatre was wonderful-well done! All of Year 5, your behaviour and enthusiasm on our school trips this week has been outstanding-you were all amzing-well done!

Year 6: Lacey Clark, you have been trying so hard in our SPAG and reading lessons-you are amazing!

This week’s focus was to have eaten a healthy balanced diet. We find this easy in school as our school lunches are delicious and healthy but we also have the choice of some treats. We know these should be eaten in moderation though

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Evie Mae Mardghum, you have confidently shared the healthy choices you have been making at home-well done! Mahour Afazali, you were able to discuss your healthy choices-well done!

Year 2: Ivy Love, you always know how to make a healthy choice-well done! Effy Richardson, you know what foods are healthy and always choose fruit and vegetables-well done! Cassius King, you can talk about what your body needs to stay healthy-well done!

Year 3: Amaya Miah, you have chosen to add salad to your school lunch-well done!

Year 4: Mia Pearson, you always make healthy choices in the dinner hall-well done! Jade Pearson, you have chosen to have lots of healthy choices this wek and can tell me in detail what a healthy diet is-well done!

Year 5: Carly Bewick, you had lots of healthy fruit in your packed lunch-well done! Dahla Appleby, you always enjoy eating fruit-well done!

Year 6: Lenny Love, you know the importance of a healthy diet and always make good choices-well done!

Jenson Bates Whitfield’s maths amazed us gain this week-your knowledge of number is wonderful-well done! Year 1 and Year 5 have been wonderful ambassadors this week when out of school-you all impressed us (and the staff at the venues) as you are all amazing-well done!

This week’s winners are Class 7 with 97.6% Well done Class 7!


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