Rewards 22nd March 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Daniel Anderson, you have been using lovely reasoning skills in your maths lessons-keep it up and well done! Ivy Neal, you wrote a fantastic vesion of The Selfish Crocodile and it was amazing!

Year 2: Chijioke Nnaji, this is for the huge improvements you have shown in your writing skills-well done! Lucas Jones, you have tried really hard during carpet sessions and have been putting your hand up and have been an all round star-well done! Robert Roberts, you have made huge progress in maths this week and your money knowledge is excellent-well done!

Year 3: Layla Newton, you have increased your confidence and participation in class and keep it up you super star-well done! Faith Watson, you always go above and beyond when writing and we are so proud-well done! Dante McHenry, you have put 100% in all areas of school this week and we are all so proud of you-well done!

Year 3: Steven Doran, you have been doing lots of independent reading in class and we are all so proud of the progress you are making-well done! Farida and Laila-your geography work identifying countries that have volcanic activity using plate boundary maps was AMAZING! Well done ladies!

Year 5: Michael Graham, your effort and enthusiasm to answer questions about Greek myths has been amazing-well done!

Year 6: Lucas Hubbert, your effort, resilience and determination in maths has been amazing-you are a star!

This week’s focu was to keep themselves and others safe. We have had so many excellent responses in our lessons this week-you should all be very proud!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Dakota Lee, you tidy up outside to keep everyone safe from trips and falls-well done! Jacob Dixon, you know which items are safe for you to use in the house-well done!

Year 2: Charlie Edmonds, you helped your friend when he was hurt-thank you Charlie! Esamay Stobbart, you help others when they are finding things tricky and give them lots of support-well done! Lilah Haddock, you spot any dangers outside on the yard-well done!

Year 3: Nikodem Turas, you were fantastic in our Jigsaw lessons when we were atlking about staying safe-well done! Emily Cruikshanks, you always follow the rules to keep everyone safe-well done!

Year 4: Ivan Glover, you always keep yourself and everyone safe and know when to get help from an adult. You are so kind and caring-thank you! Jace Huggins, you always look out for others and are such a considerate young man-well done!

Year 6: Isabella Dickson, you always look after your friends and make sure they are hapy and safe-well done!

Year 3 tennis stars were amazing this week and you were brilliant ambassadors for our school-well done all of you! The year 5 and 6 Panathalon took place this week and our children were the champions! You were brilliant team players and represented our school brilliantly-well done!

This week’s winners are Class 5 with 97% Well done Class 5!


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