This week’s certificates have been awarded to…
Year 1: Rio Singh, you have had a wonderful first week and have settled in to our school amazingly-well done!
Year 2: Mia Reid, your retell of the story of Vlad and The Great Fire of London was amazing-well done Mia!
Year 3: Ayman Nasir, you have had a fabulous first week in our school and have fit so well into year 3. We are so glad to have you-well done! Class 9, you have had such a great first week at swimming and you have massively impressed all of the instructors-well done all of you! Scarlett Robins, you have come back to school with a fantastic ready to learn attitude-keep it up! Well done!
Year 4: CJ Stubbs, you’ve had a great week and have worked so hard in all lessons-you are a star! Well done, CJ! Miles McBurnie, you have put 100% into all subjects this week-we are so proud-well done! Kye Barker Robins, your vocabulary in our computing lesson when coding was amazing-well done!
Year 5: Karim Martinez, this is for simply being you! You always try your very best and are an absolute star!
Year 6: Carly Bewick, this is for simply being you! You are such a kind and friendly member of our school and an absolute star! Well done! Amelia Anderson, your art work was amazing-you really took your time and created a great final piece-well done!
Head Teacher Shout Out!
Everyone has massively impressed this week after our Christmas break. We have all came back to school happy, settled and ready to work hard-well done everyone!
This week’s winners are Class 6 and Class 7 with 100% Well done everyone!
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