Year 2 trip to Beamish
We have had the best day at Beamish! We took part in a Victorian school lesson, visited the farm, the old town and the sweet shop. We are all very tired!
We have had the best day at Beamish! We took part in a Victorian school lesson, visited the farm, the old town and the sweet shop. We are all very tired!
We had a brilliant session in the hall on Tuesday afternoon where Mrs Hughes had set up 10 different stations with different exercises for us to complete. There were box jumps, cycling, skipping, hand weights and many more. We had a great time!
The KS1 yard has got a new role play area this week! The children have been playing ‘schools’ and have been practicing their reading, writing and maths. Bella said “I love this set up!”
Year 1, 2 and 6 spent some time sharing their stories in their pyjamas to support Pyjamarama Day on Monday. We use lots of different areas to share stories and the reading was fantastic!
Yesterday afternoon, Year 1 and Year 2 gathered together to release the butterflies we have been caring for, over the last 2 weeks. We opened up their net and they flew away! It was beautiful to see them stretch their wings and fly off into the trees.
Year 2 have been learning about different life cycles and have had some special visitors into school. They started off as tiny caterpillars and have grown into huge caterpillars. They are now in their chrysalis’ and we are waiting for them to turn into butterflies.
Yesterday we had a visit from Sab who works for the Science Institution came to school to show us some amazing things all about food. She taught us about our taste buds, different flavours, some amazing science vocabulary and even set some flour on fire!
Year 2 visited The Wetlands Centre in Washington this week. This was to become nature warriors and think about protecting the environment around us. We met a character called Ava and she gave us some nature challenges to show that we could protect and preserve animals and plants around us. We had to build nests, meet mini beasts, hug trees and go on a
Children had a fantastic day dressing up as their favourite story character! Well done Class 5
Year have been investigating what makes a good non chronological report. They each chose an animal linked to their text ‘we’re going on a lion hunt’ and research some facts which they could use in their writing. Here are some photos of the children completing their research, they can’t wait to write their reports!