Clare Magrath

Posts byClare Magrath

Year 2 Science Bods

On Tuesday, Science Bods came into school to tell us about different science topics. We learnt about seasons, plants and bodies all through dance.

Year 2 maths

Year 2 have been working very hard to add and subtract tens and ones, crossing a tens number. We have been using dienes to help us exchange tens and ones. Here is some of our work:

Year 2 Gymnastics

Year 2 have begun their gymnastics unit in P.E this week. We have learnt how to do long, thin shapes along with fat, short shapes. We will be putting them together to form a sequence. It was fabulous to see so many children with their P.E kits and enjoying their gymnastics!

An ‘elftastic’ visit for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children

On the 1st December, we had a little elf come to visit us and show us what they have been doing in Santa’s workshop in the run up to Christmas. She told the children how she needed to find the perfect present for her special friend and the children helped with their ideas. We all had a great time, including joining in with the

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Year 2 pointillism in art

Year 2 have been looking at the skill of pointillism in art this week. Pointillism is when an artist uses lots of little dots to make a larger picture with different shades and tones. We have been practicing using our fingers and cotton buds to make different tones of fire colours, ready for our final piece next week. We all sat round a large

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Year 2 Science

This week Year 2 have been learning about the basics of electricity. We learnt about how an electric current travels around a complete circuit, and if it is not complete, then the bulb or buzzer will not work. We were able to draw complete circuits and test them out using wires and batteries. Well done, Year 2!


This morning, Glynn came to teach us some basic judo moves. He showed us how to warm up our bodies and then how to hold, pin and ‘throw’ an opponent. Judo is about control and respect but also having fun! Here are some photos from our workshop.

Year 2 and Great Fire of London

Year 2 have been learning all about the Great Fire of London. They have investigated why the fire spread so fast around the city. We tested paper houses and discussed how the materials of the houses in 1666 made them burn so quickly and many collapsed. Here are photos of our trip to the fire pit.

Year 2 Harvest Celebrations

Year 2 have been thinking about what they are grateful for during Harvest Time. They worked together as a team and made some bread to symbolise the farmers collecting in the crops from the field. Here are some photos of our bread.

Year 2 Maths

Year 2 have been learning about place value to 100, investigating the tens and ones in numbers. We had to match the tens and ones to the correct number. There were some tricky ones so we had to look carefully!